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Everything posted by Jexdane

  1. ..that feeling when you're teacher diagnoses you as a high-functioning sociopath.

    1. Ford
    2. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      Sociopaths don't feel, silly.

  2. Blah, finally finished the cartoony Santa for a christmas animation I have to do in ComTech for little kids...I hate little kids.

  3. Why does the last week of school before the holidays have to be so stressful...

    1. EmeraldStag


      idk.....i realy dk.

  4. I need to come back soon...fear appears to be rare on the server these days.

  5. So, um...my religion teacher thinks that on the 21st jesus is going to rain down fire and banish the wicked to hell....somebody have a sane conversation with me, please!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorious


      :( Im flying to Madeira on the 21st.

    3. SebastianA500
    4. Amorphbutt


      Jesus was a revolutionary, not a freaking god. I bet he would face palm if he found out people were worshipping him. He was a good person, but not a god.

  6. I like the new perk that lets me add more than five people to a conversation...now I wish those people would actually reply to the conversation...

  7. So, I watched the Hobbit, and....I loved it! I'm normally very picky about movies, but they handled it very well, and the extra content added (like the wonderful new introduction with Frodo and Old Bilbo) completely works! I haven't been this satisfied with a movie in ages...

    1. -Max-


      I'm certain they left nothing out.... I tried meticulously to find something they didn't include.

    2. danic


      I'm sure that's why it's gonna take 3 movies, because their not leavin a thing out.

    3. Thrym


      They are getting a ton wrong though. Don't get me wrong, I loved it but it had tons of wrong details.

  8. My friend played on LotC for about an hour as a wandering soul and exclaimed that the gameplay wasn't as "dynamic" as he had hoped. I disagree. LotC is very dynamic, because you know what makes gameplay more dynamic? Random server crashes!

    1. shiftnative


      negative nancies ! ;]

    2. steelersfan1221


      be a positive petyr

  9. A crematorium should be created in 3.0. Naturally, it would give discounts to burn victims.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      Minh ash tea..

    3. danic


      It's quite lovely on a snowy days inside.

    4. Korvic


      If this happens, would each race make a different smell/taste?

  10. Crap, just found out that my newest accepted VA didn't fall within the Purge time line, and not only that, it no longer exists. What a pain in the ass...by the way, in case the VAT is curious *cough*urasept*cough*, I'm active on the forums again...*points at the VAT Volunteer thread.*

  11. Well, my Gold VIP POWAHS won't work...looks like it's time to panic people. *runs away screaming*

  12. I hate copyright laws...poor CaptainSparkles

    on your mind?
    1. TheRealKiru


      Minecraft Style: Another example that some parodies are better than the original.

    2. gingernut97


      What the hell have Sony and Universal go to do with Psy in order to get the video blocked? Some companies just want to watch the world burn.

  13. *Waits patiently for his friends to message him so that he doesn't feel so disconnected whilst he reloads the main page constantly, listening to Flyleaf*

  14. Gah, that feeling when the only way you have to communicate with people is through forum messages, and nobody replies...#cutofffromtheworld

  15. Looks like I get to go to the coffee shop tomorrow for Skype...such a shame that Cael is dead during this pre-asulon map, or I would log on and kill someone...

    1. Cyndikate


      I would log in and not be bored.

  16. I actually started choking when I was told about this "Minor Evils." Why VAT? WHY!?!

    1. Arkelos
    2. Raptorious
    3. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Because the community asked for us to be less strict.

  17. Spending the night wisely...healing old wounds.

  18. I just found out about these "Minor Evil" things...what was the point of the Purge again?

  19. What an interesting day to log on.

  20. So, it looks like I might be back in a week or two. If not...I'll find a way to get my mom to let me come to the coffee shop again for homework. Miss you all.

  21. Gah, home sick, pnumonia..that's how you spell it, right? Anywho, because my parents are at work, I snuck into their bedroom to quickly make this status and check a webcomic or two. Could somebody message me about the state of my various OOC and IC associations?

    1. Jexdane


      My dad is still determined to be the most homophobic ass on the planet as well...so I'll have to start plan B (secret plan).

    2. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Bit of this here, bit of this there. Utilise your nanotech to build another computer and sneak on that one!

    3. Cyndikate


      go to the library, bro

  22. Haven't had the chance to sneak on in a while....I'm still not allowed to go on my computer, "purging the gay corruption" my dad calls it. To my potentially ex-minions, I miss chu. To my..colleagues..I'm sorry I haven't been able to help Q_Q

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Skippy



    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Being gay in my opinion is a sin...But everyone sins...

    4. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      So your dad's overreacting.

  23. Haven't had the chance to sneak on in a while....I'm still not allowed to go on my computer, "purging the gay corruption" my dad calls it. To my potentially ex-minions, I miss chu. To my..colleagues..I'm sorry I haven't been able to help Q_QWhat's on your mind?

    1. Cracker


      "purging the gay corruption" what does that mean


  25. That feeling when two people completely flood a forum roleplay with one-liners, making people get overwhelmed by 14 pages.

    1. Kaiser


      The Star Wars one? I left it for a break about an hour ago let me go check...

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