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Status Updates posted by SparehoeCakes

  1. Okay, I'm back from the funeral and whatnot, and ready to return to my duties.

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      My friend's father died as well, Must be hard for you, I've lost a few family members.. Such a shame and you have my pity.

    2. Braxis


      Welcome back

  2. VAT Q&A is Starting now! Feel free to come ask some questions.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Will there be cake?

    2. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      Can i be world emperor?

  3. Haven't made time for RP lately, I've been busy with VAT stuffs, but TIME TO ARE-PEE

  4. Guide App Posted. Good luck to all Guide Applicants!

    1. Yoff


      I'm not sure if I am allowed to post. I still gave you a +1 anyway.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      I am unsure as well, Thank you for the support!

  5. A constitution? SERIOUSLY? That's to far.

    1. Guest


      I completely agree, honestly, how many times have people said IT'S NOT A DEMOCRACY, DON'T EVEN TRY.

    2. lugarthecougar


      It's not a democracy, it is a privately owned server. When you make a donation, that is just what it is a donation. You aren't buying stock in the server.

  6. Driving to family's house. On my phone. Stalking minestatus.

    1. SparehoeCakes


      Voted on my phone with my other MC account. Woot.

    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      According to Boxxy, he voted 16 times XD

  7. I feel like I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING today. But I voted. And answered about 18 questions. So I guess I've did okay for only being home for about 5 hours.

    1. SparehoeCakes


      *Adds "I voted twice" to the list*

    2. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)
  8. I check your profile regularly for new plugins you post on the about me thing. >.

    1. Telanir


      Yay Sparrow! ^-^

      That makes me happeh, now I know that it actually matters when I update them. :3

      Not right now though, you won't see any changes because Professions plugin is going to take a while.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      I know, I'm just, stalking around, because maybe, you'll have an idea and put it there in the brainstorming phase or something, and then I get to guess at what it is. :3

  9. I just found out a Vlad can beat a Jax. YEY. I totally thought I'd die up against a Jax. Hehe

    1. MetaSolaray


      This is a very situational build up, jax can build to counter you and if he can get to stick on you, you will die. You outsubstain him but he is extremely tanky and has CC you lack.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      I have a pool, in which I dodge his CC if I time it correctly. And Vlad's passive exchanges Health and AP. So Vlad is automatically tanky if he built tons of AP (Which he should) and a little health. Like Rilaths or something. I actually had more health the the tank (Garen). With only a rilaths. ^.^

  10. Although I don't recall ever interacting with you directly, you seem to be an awesome person.

  11. Why are you not a anything else but a member...... You are an Ex GM. Disappointing.

  12. Decided to start sitting on a Work-out ball to be at my 'puter. It's high, and weird compared to my chair. Will take some getting used to.

    1. Volutional


      That will give you awful posture.

    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      But just think of how ripped your abs will be. :P

  13. Just went through my old GM's comments. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I hope I get some like that on my new one.

    1. SparehoeCakes


      GM App's comments. Weird, do I even grammar.

    2. The Womping Wizard
  14. I click on the ads sometimes to make LOTC more monies.

    1. JtPv


      Ad moneys are per view, not per click. :P

    2. SparehoeCakes


      They are supposed to give more money if clicked, or so I was told.

  15. 369 Rep, WOO, Screencapped it so you people can't ruin the moment for me: http://gyazo.com/fcab3bd4d441038854408a4149123a40

    1. gingernut97


      DEM GRAPHS. Anyway, it's obvious what these results are indicating: the community/server is seen to be in a state of decline by the playerbase. Cheerful times, eh?

    2. SparehoeCakes
  16. How's everyones' day?

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. Aislin


      i just had to search through 3 huge bins of trash because my senile grandpa accidentally threw out an envelope (amongst a hundred others) with $600 in it.

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