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Status Updates posted by domainoft

  1. On the plus side, you'll get a very nice plot in the cemetery now. On a more serious note, Thank you Kala for all your efforts. Your appointment was a surprise to me when it happened, but not an unwelcome one, but a tree can not stand alone in the desert forever. The only prophecy I have truly given that has always come to pass is that history will repeat itself. When you walk into the dark, let it be to not been seen, and when you turn around see with clarity.

  2. I've got plenty of Aurum and redstone. Let me know if we can make a deal of sorts.

  3. Do you remember the old version of "Moldy Journal"? I could probably rewrite it if you don't. It wasn't very long...your post brought back memories.

    1. drfate786


      Nope, i don't remember it. I think i just coincidentally named my thread that. 

  4. I was originally going to open a "Crysh's Family Jewels" store....but if Dwain loves them just as much maybe a partner ship sometime. "Irongut's Family Jewels" has a nice ring too it...

  5. Once a Delver, always a Delver?

    1. CommunistSpy


      you only delve once

    2. domainoft


      Are the Delvers still a thing?

  6. I knew you would do good things for the LMs :)

  7. Does your beard hang low? Does it wobble to and fro? Can you tie it in a knot? Can you tie it in a bow? Can you throw it o'er your shoulder Like a continental soldier Does your beard hang low?

  8. Did the test server whitelist get reset?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. domainoft


      Hmm when I try to log in, it says "You are not on the whitelist"

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I would contact a staff member. I'm sure you can prove that you have been on the server for a while.

    4. domainoft


      Not the server, the "Test Server"....lol I can still log into the regular server just fine.

  9. You should have seen me pushing my pigs into minecarts to transport them to my Island....lol....Takes forever to cross that Ocean.

  10. Last night I had a nightmare, That I created a post that was misunderstood and taken for animal cruelity and got a Warning on the forums for it.....sad sad dreams.

    1. Demotheus


      I had a nightmare last night that all my characters somehow got RPly banned from various cities in posts on the forums. I think that when you start dreaming about the LotC forums/server you should seriously take a step away for like a day or so. Too bad I'm an idiot and won't be doing that!!!

    2. domainoft


      I dream about LotC all the time though, I've found a good way to work it into my work.

  11. Agreed with you, Creating valuable items ingame that require time to gather rather than enjoyable RP or Creative thinking will only cause heartache and disaster.

  12. Almost got it back up!

  13. I don't wish to continue OOC disscussion within the RP thead, All I ment was that Leyu, and many others could have seen you reguardless of how well your Illusion worked. Unless you took the time to Illusion things I doubt you have even learned about yet. Illusion is masking the appearance, there are always ways to see through it completely.

    1. Kitten


      Only one person saw us =P

    2. domainoft


      I could see you if I wanted too, Divination is a powerful tool.

  14. Let me know when your available for 10-15min and I'll give you a tour of my heart.

  15. I hope that wasn't your work lol.

  16. A few small fixes then back up again.

  17. I couldn't help but notice your interest in Auburn, and Colts photos...I lived much of my life in Fort Wayne and Kendallville. Small world.

    1. Thatpyrodude


      Damn Bro, small world indeed

    2. domainoft


      Maybe next time I drive to Minecon we could carpool?

    3. Thatpyrodude


      lol Hell ya man

  18. You'll make a good Trial GM I think.

    1. SparehoeCakes


      If I get it, sure :P

  19. Thank you Rhia, It is good to see something come of all the debating. Keep cracking the whip"cream"

  20. There will always be those that doubt you, deny you, and distrust you. Just remember I love you and all you do for us.

    1. Telanir


      Thanks Domain, I really appreciate it. :)

  21. Are you the on removing your posts? Or does it just seem to happen often?

  22. Sorry if we broke your contest :(

  23. Sorry I lost my internet yesturday. I hope you didn't wait around for me to long. I'm sure I can find a way to make it up to you. -_0

  24. Enough thoughts on the Cybering for today...what did I do. Back to Mining fer gold.

    1. Nug


      you go gurl

    2. Ever


      you have the favor of the mine gods!

  25. Grats, May many more blessed days be upon you and the Kingdom you tend too.

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