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Everything posted by ΚΨΙΞ

  1. Take over the dwarven fort, 5minutes later.. the dwarves come back. Oh god.. http://imgur.com/6gea4

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      I'd rather prefer not to

      fight because my char's a little too soft to kill anyone...

    3. ΚΨΙΞ


      Well.. lots of people like different RP.

    4. JackABeano


      I was hiding in a basement, feeling like a ninja, then get owned.. Not so ninja :P

  2. You should have a "Does your character have a accepted Villian Application." question.
  3. I feel so boss, I punched chuck norris to death with -100 wrestling :D

    1. Korvic


      Shame on you... >.>

    2. EmeraldStag


      Pics or it didn't happen~

    3. EpicSmith


      Fool, you can't kill Chuck Norris.

  4. [Feedback] Riven battle? thoughts?

    1. Aryon


      People stop accusing us of GodMode.

    2. Braxis


      Well Aryon one of you did, the first pigman the Gm who was leading it even said so >,> and when we said tech issues on our side one of ya (Not saying which) Contine to attack then another ask for a Break due to thier Tech Issues and that pissed ALOT of people off. And its a Town that follows an Rp code via armor and we were out gunned with yalls gear

    3. Braxis


      The 2nd Tech issue w/ askin for a break was on attacking side not defending

  5. Were ready for you, Riven!

  6. I love you RomeCraft

  7. Thank you Crusaders for the fun RP, It was much enjoyable ;P

    1. empirerebel


      Thank you Blackwood Legion :D

      It was very enjoyable logging on to see the Crusaders were under attack then finding out my family member was attacking me :D

    2. BannanaToYou


      I fell of the cliff and died, after seeing if Chuckaboo died from the same fall. Damn arrows!

    3. yekim8


      This was the day the sun was blocked by arrows, and it was fun.

  8. Yes first day of the summer holidays!

  9. I heavily support this idea. I love how you made use of what Minecraft has offered. So much effort and love for roleplay comes from this posts and your other previous posts. If you need any help from the Event Team just PM me and I can discuss in Skype. So far everyone in ET Chat love the idea. ~ Talf
  10. Native~ happy birteh!

  11. When people get cocky and they try to smack talk you and they propose a PvP fight it gets fun. ;P

    1. gingernut97


      What you trying to say!? Come at me bro!

  12. I'm sorry Calm whats Legend of Korra again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      Join the TS channel, with me, Jens and Dilara. Any fans are welcome.

    3. ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      ~ Ashdrek / CalmCrysis ~

      Join the TS channel, with me, Jens and Dilara. Any fans are welcome.

    4. Fredfort (jens6851)
  13. Whats Legend of Korra?

  14. AcerBuddy > Dat voice ;3

  15. I love this idea, I think it would be a great Event. I'll talk to Gaius about this. Edit ~ Application why not? Minecraft name: Pheonixpro1 Group: [Crew/Creature(Event Team Only)/Tribes people] Creature (Disguise Craft ~ Chicken) Name of Character: [Create a simple one] Captain's Parrot? Short description of character: [3-4 Sentences should be okay] The Captains parrot acts as a lookout, and flies around the boat whilst they travel. He repeats sailor's words and sits on the Captain's shoulder.
  16. Poppy you are one violent person!

    1. lemontide331
    2. Poppy


      I know =) <3

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Every one should love Popette, Panda knows she does >w<

  17. Congradulations to Sir_Wyvernos!

  18. [22:31:01] Benboboy: (angry) [22:37:34] Benboboy: I AM A PRETTY FAIRY! - Yes you are ;P

  19. nppeck, vulcus shadowgunx, Rom, Goliath And alkenaar - if your still interested in the Blackwoods please send me a PM as I am now leading the project. thanks.

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