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Status Updates posted by Reader

  1. So, I never really played anything during Anthos... Is there anything I should know before I log on again?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Abeam


      history too, lots happened during Anthos, read up!

    3. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ
    4. Watty_Banker
  2. Feel like returning to LotC... haven't played since July, anything I should note?

    1. Helvetius


      BECOME A BARBARIAN! xD. Though in reality recently the elves were kicked out of malinor and are now in a new city.

    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Abresi got remade nto a better looking, and more compact area. New cloud temple closer to the great nation's crossing, Old one got destroyed by the Black scourge. Magic applications gone. Lore made a lot loser, Many staff changes, and Ever is no longer a GM.

    3. SortedJarhead
  3. Playing KSP has made me become totaly inactive both in-game and on the forums -.-

    1. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      Playing KSP has made me inactive just everywhere.

  4. I just realized that the word "Present" probably comes from "Pre-sent" as in "Already Sent".

    1. argonian


      But the present is now, already sent makes it sound like the past.

  5. Has anyone else experienced any issues with Skype lately? Mine quits 3 seconds after I launch it -.-

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      On it now and it's running fine for me. This is the mobile version though.

    2. Lord_Sauron_


      Updating for me.

    3. Reader


      Got it working, Had to delete all the Skype files manualy from another Windows acc and then Reinstal.

  6. There is a Japanese Superstar dressed up as an Animé in the Swedish Eurovision Song Contest finals -_-

    1. gingernut97
    2. Reader


      Yup. Named "Yohio", Google it if you want to.

  7. I can't believe how close we once were to getting our own client..

    1. Raptorious


      Now that dream is circling the toilet.

    2. Reader


      Too bad.. Making a cliend isn't that hard. I'm sure our curent staff could make one.

    3. Reader


      Meh. I guess you're right. If we only had more Coders D:

  8. Is there any way one can find out what date it is Asulon time?

    1. ek_knight


      I don't believe so.

  9. Minecraft.net is down and I have a Pony skin. Can't get on LotC :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reader


      It was the first mod I saw when I looked at Minecraftforum.net. Don't judge me D:

    3. MonkeyCoffee



    4. Reader
  10. What the..!? Blocktopia has launched a new RP server and they named it "Journey to Elysium"..!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bircalin


      Elysium is Greek Mythology.

    3. JtPv


      Ah, the Isles of the Blest. Memories.... I love Greek myths.

    4. argonian


      Eh, we're leaving 2.5 soon anyway.

  11. It was Delicious! :3

  12. *Eats Beth's Birthday bunny*

  13. wut, There's a group called "Fresh Blood"?

    1. Danny


      It's new members - I've been seeing about having it renamed to something less... intimidating.

    2. ~TheDerpyBeagle~
    3. PtahWithin
  14. Is it Normal to cry at the ending of The Walking dead (The Game)? S:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cruzazul


      I was close to sheading a tear.

    3. ~BattleJacx~


      No it isn't fine or normal you should feel ashamed of yourself. Very ashamed.

    4. maxkenny23


      I finished the game with my roomie and GF... the three of us shed many tears. ;-;

  15. Sweeeeeeeeeden! :3

  16. LotC, I have the opertunity to get Windows 8 for free on my One year old HP laptop that I use for everyday tasks, Should I get it?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eleatic


      ... I used Windows 8 For Morrowind/Dishonored/Skyrim/Oblivion -- I's good for all.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      NONONONONONONONONONO! It sucks! DO NOT GET IT! It's a bad idea.

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      NONONONONONONONONONO! It sucks! DO NOT GET IT! It's a bad idea.

  17. Fletcher's Alright, I haven't been on for a While though. When 3.0 Arrives I'll probably Kill him off and play as a Schizophrenic elf.

  18. He's not a Cake y'know..

  19. My Skyrim PS3 Disc Broke ,_,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amorphbutt


      *...as you stand on the mountain, overlooking three dragons you-* Oh wait the game just froze.

    3. Astraeus
    4. George of House Glover

      George of House Glover

      your fault for buying skyrim on console

  20. I. Am. Bored.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reader


      Oh you >:I

    3. MrSyth


      Server's up. No need to be bored :3

    4. MrSyth


      Except for the fact that it'll be empty until the americanz arrive.

  21. Everything's alright, Vaq will be back soon enough.. He-he, Right guys..? Right?

    1. Astraeus


      Indeed, something like this happened before and it solved itself soon enough.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      The server is not being DDoS'd, it is down until we get a host so we can get better protection..

  22. #datstatusthingythatsfilledwithnothingbutlongnotneededsentencesandswagstuff.

  23. Is Sweden +1 GMT, Or +2 right now? Summertime confuses me!

    1. comanderbly^


      It's +1 ,but with summer time just adds one hour, I dont think it changes the GMT +1

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