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Status Replies posted by Skippy

  1. i could smell that it was cpt noobman no jk

  2. I will be sorting through feedback the next few days in regards to the war system and recent battles. Please be patient as I am a mere soul reading through mutable in-depth post that require time to read and discuss.

  3. Why the **** was alchemist's fire not allowed though...

  4. I don't think GMs should count such an dysfunctional warclaim as a legit warclaim. In my opinion we should rollback and just try Cracker's system for skirmishes.

  5. c014c54cbd583a08345978a76bbca467.png

    No you can't. Gl to both sides : )

  6. Buying myself an N64 for Christmas. Anyone got good ideas for games?

  7. Ban all conflict RP

  8. stop the br you ******* useless children

  9. stop the br you ******* useless children

  10. stop the br you ******* useless children

  11. Can two people go mugging in Felsen, or would that be considered a raid now?

  12. get awawy from my friend you... s-stupid girl!

  13. What actually happened when we logged?

  14. Cpt_Noobman showed up to the warclaim...

  15. Cpt_Noobman showed up to the warclaim...

  16. I feel like matt was a bit too ruff on poor old ww2buff :(

  17. Those select few of Dwarfia making us all look bad with bad sportsmanship. Yeah I make Dwarves look bad too but im a memer I cant help it. PLZ SEND HELP

  18. Those select few of Dwarfia making us all look bad with bad sportsmanship. Yeah I make Dwarves look bad too but im a memer I cant help it. PLZ SEND HELP

  19. Those select few of Dwarfia making us all look bad with bad sportsmanship. Yeah I make Dwarves look bad too but im a memer I cant help it. PLZ SEND HELP

  20. Conquest Warclaim is this Sunday same time, hope you can make it.

  21. Conquest Warclaim is this Sunday same time, hope you can make it.

  22. I try to say I hope the warclaim was fun for all with that clever ruse from the Dwarves, and I get deleted..

    That's a pretty raw way to dog me, mods.

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