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Status Replies posted by Skippy

  1. Conquest Warclaim is this Sunday same time, hope you can make it.

  2. Pathetic. Yes, salty.

  3. Snelves are jokes, dwarves got their disease along with bloodnights disease 

  4. Snelves are jokes, dwarves got their disease along with bloodnights disease 

  5. Thank you Cpt_Noobman for not being a massive ***** and actually fighting in the warclaim with a full inventory of items. I have been up for twenty two hours waiting for this and the Snow Elves talked so much **** just to not show.

  6. Conquest Warclaim is this Sunday same time, hope you can make it.

  7. I hope everyone's ready... 

  8. Good Evening Ladies, Gentlemen, Elves, Orcs, Kha, Humans, Halflings, Half-Elves, Frost Witches, Necromancers, Magicians, All other Respectives creatures of many kinds, and Children of all ages! \ (•◡•) / (That's a mouth-full)

  9. I imagine this is how people feel when they say BR every time they die XD 


  10. So apparently there's such thing as tier 7 and a tier 8, and blundermore and ambros are tier 7's? What the hell? This is a legitimate thing, too? Why the hell wasn't the playerbase told by the MAT?

  11. Felsen looks nice, though can I have LC next to build a megabuild?

  12. Welcome back again Ballnazor, get on ts we have to talk.

  13. Will handle all current MA's at approx. 1 EST tomorrow. I'm busy tonight, till then. Thanks for patience.

  14. Do French maid outfits count as role-play friendly skins? because I feel like they shouldn't

  15. Make Nalatac mod again or we will rebel!

  16. hey can u unban me and then i'll be a helpful et man again, i promise i'll actually destroy a city this time :)

  17. hey can u unban me and then i'll be a helpful et man again, i promise i'll actually destroy a city this time :)

  18. hey can u unban me and then i'll be a helpful et man again, i promise i'll actually destroy a city this time :)

  19. Why do we have so many human duchies and counties? Almost all are inactive...

  20. What is bouncin'?

  21. Hello cool person! ~

  22. Wonder why the build plagiarism rule isn't being enforced.

  23. Wonder why the build plagiarism rule isn't being enforced.

  24. Whoever the **** thinks it's funny to steal my identity and make me public enemy #1 of all the people who thought I was their friend - I'm going to find you and destroy you. This better be a really elaborate prank 

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