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Status Replies posted by Skippy

  1. help me get a beanie this winter by clicking this link nd signing up with google! https://fnaticgear.com/r/967f73bb1f

  2. I will be holding mass in Riga this weekend look out for the time and date to be posted in the next couple of days!

  3. The amount of OOC in war claims is cringe. 

  4. Any humans or Elves looking for a town to live within, hit me up. The town expects activity, assistance within the growth and a follower of the Canonism faith.

  5. A GM is required to handle this Warclaim. Request it not to be Supremacy. Many Rulgs https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136683-march-of-the-gashbluudz/?page=1 

  6. Is this server dead yet

  7. think everyone who's changed their name to some bent star wars character shud b shot. plague on the community.

  8. Every time cyber logs get shared to a chat they're often so outlandish and cringey that it makes me wonder if they are real. Or if people are just going out of their way to manufacture cyber logs.

  9. Every time cyber logs get shared to a chat they're often so outlandish and cringey that it makes me wonder if they are real. Or if people are just going out of their way to manufacture cyber logs.

  10. Who do you think should be the next player of the week?

  11. The AT App forums has many cool picks but it could be better, if you think you can do it put yourself forward!

  12. Are dragons a thing in Vailor?

  13. Are dragons a thing in Vailor?

  14. And the girlish screams of excitement echo through all the uzg, as the true and only warlord returns :>

  15. And the girlish screams of excitement echo through all the uzg, as the true and only warlord returns :>

  16. How do you pronounce Aegis. 

  17. iMattyz how do you survive being backchatted every day on LOTC? 

  18. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136358-a-reminder/ To the wording of "during" makes me think, after the raid, are parties able to then take a fast travel home? 

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