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Oghren Grandaxe

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Oghren Grandaxe

  1. tryed some new building and styls for kal'sharock tell me if you like them :P a>a>a>a>%7Boption%7Dhttp://i.imgur.com/LzUEU.jpg[/img

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      ther are districets yer human and dwarve are to gether in one bigge dirtict only orc og a small with like 7 house total but they can buuy house near the orc district

    3. Narrogan (Nathan1506)

      Narrogan (Nathan1506)

      Ah i see, sounds cool. Im going with the dwarven/human medieval styles myself like the ones you pictured and like this http://i.imgur.com/JDUSD.png

    4. Narrogan (Nathan1506)

      Narrogan (Nathan1506)

      Ah i see, sounds cool. Im going with the dwarven/human medieval styles myself like the ones you pictured and like this http://i.imgur.com/JDUSD.png

  2. Native? duno iff it's possible but is there a way to get the ship where the dwarfs came to asalon to our harbor near the dwarven capitol?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hiebe


      alrighty :) took more then 2 stacks of iron blocks but I wish ye luck ;)

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      aw crap well maybe will tyrion lend a hand :D

    4. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      aw crap well maybe will tyrion lend a hand :D

  3. so, done with the diea for the dwarven feast hall now to find a place to make it, and plz comment on this pics http://i.imgur.com/BtrAd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/of9ez.jpg http://i.imgur.com/rqrI3.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xtQky.jpg http://i.imgur.com/20SEf.png

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Very nice, but instead of the Random Banners taht you have, make them Clan Banners.

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      i already altered it now iam gona make an new city design, and hope full get the singel player map in to my buket sever if it works.

    4. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      i already altered it now iam gona make an new city design, and hope full get the singel player map in to my buket sever if it works.

  4. why cant i find the ooc channel ingame?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Beautiful, I think the boat would flip over though.

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      why would you think that? the gaint iron weels keep it at ts place

    4. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      why would you think that? the gaint iron weels keep it at ts place

  5. just an idea for the dwarven kingdom, WHat do you guys think of to make a market squar in front of the Nobel district?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      ...right noble then

    3. Cappy


      Nobel is something completely different...

    4. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      As a Noble myself, I would say NO. I don't want the rabble so close to me. Besides, people would block the way into the Noble District, Religous Sector, and Great Forge.

  6. iam stuck in the end can a gm help me out?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Witchcraft! Burn it with fire!

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost


    4. MonkeyCoffee


      How did you get there in

      the first place?

  7. merry christmas to all anis the server maybe down?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Serah


      They're working on it, I believe.

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      okay just did read a topic on it.

    4. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      okay just did read a topic on it.

  8. can any gm fm or admins, change my group to diamond vip?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      he siad that he would do it this morning but not yet did

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      he siad that he would do it this morning but not yet did

    4. nachotp


      He's busy so give him sometime ^^

  9. what you say guys? a> as this became the new front gate of the new dwarven city?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      I like it, needs some work though.

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      How you mean japanese???O.o

    4. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      How you mean japanese???O.o

  10. vaqx is the new update for realz of just an april fools day joke O.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aryon


      *slowly puts his palm to his face.

    3. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      *smashes his hand right through his face all the way to the other side of his heead*

    4. Cappy


      In short: it's for real



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nickdabeast135
    3. Oghren Grandaxe
    4. Broski


      I do it all the time.

      F*ck Homework, lets punch trees, shall we?

  12. Guys i think i will leave after the 3.0 map is done....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      No other community is as fun, or as good. Don't leave us...

    3. Skippy


      Preston that's a lie.

    4. Skippy


      and I've found one, Sentlit.

  13. kal'sharock realy gona be awsome, and this is just a small part of the idea.a>a>

    1. Yamnothere


      Are you sure you'll be able to create that all by yourself? ^.^ I mean, If you check out my planet minecraft profile ( benpowell987 ) I'd be glad to help

    2. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      thanks, i did made al my self and got some freind to help me with it but a helping hand is always welcome

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      thanks, i did made al my self and got some freind to help me with it but a helping hand is always welcome

  14. stop tolling :p

    1. Volutional
    2. Dwarm
    3. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      @Dwarm standing on the kings road asking money to pass

  15. to who do i have to talk about my title? iam a diamond vip but still labelt as member

    1. shiftnative


      I can set that up for ya! you're a diamond in-game right?

    2. Oghren Grandaxe
    3. Oghren Grandaxe
  16. so mass effect 3, great game only i can't import my me 1 and me2 char :( hope they fix it

    1. KarmaDelta


      Report it as a bug on there forums.

    2. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      did it like he second i noticed i couldn't import them :P

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      did it like he second i noticed i couldn't import them :P

  17. ey guys i noticed falsebook doesn't work anymore

    1. Aryon



    2. Taiga


      It has been disabled.

      Check the front page for details.

    3. Aren Whitestorm
  18. Gm' s is it possible to get creative to rebuild the dawrven city? With out using iron gold or diamond blocks

    1. Everman111


      That would be powergaming. So I hope it is a no. Cities take 30 years to build to their full scale. Get mining.

    2. Everman111


      Well I would like to correct myself. If it was destroyed by roll back then I would say yes.

    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      I get it sadly it isnt, its just we cant deside what we want

  19. u oren guys went to far yesterday, sumoning mobs with out necros and the pr to back it up WTF!?!

    1. Lym


      Relax, man, relax. Go out for a walk, take a deep breathe and enjoy the peace for once ^^

      It's being handled, stay calm.

    2. Jarkarll


      Let's heed John Lennon's wisdom and go smoke weed for an hour.

    3. Kaiser


      Ya, with that new screenshot we can buy weed from that guy. But really, no one cares, Oren may have powergamed but I suspect the GMs will butt slap everyone....

  20. what do you guys think of a dwarven city caly Kal"Udir Ushil "city of black ice"?

    1. Secret Lizard President
    2. Goldd


      I don't know, but a Human came to Haelun'or once looking for a dwarf city and I told him to go to Ara'depoop XD (which is not a real dwarf city...)

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I like the name.

  21. Awsome gona smith my own sword and dagger in irl!!!

    1. Ever


      Ooo, neat. Be sure to post pictures when you're done.

    2. Skippy



    3. Oghren Grandaxe

      Oghren Grandaxe

      It kinda gona take realy long to make the sword about a year the dagger a week or so

  22. So i turned 21 today, happybday me :)

    1. Goldrim


      Fijne Verjaardag!

    2. Aptrotta


      Happy legal drinking age day. Enjoy a night of bars and beers

    3. Aptrotta


      or LOTC if thats what you want

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