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Sister Sequoia

Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Sister Sequoia

  1. https://www.humblebundle.com/ REALLY nice HumbleBundle up this time, has Torchlight 1, S.P.A.Z., and more. Pay-what-you-want model, can pay a penny, over $1 gets you STEAM key for all of them.
  2. -is reading '50 Shades of Grey' at the insistence of a female friend- This meme sums up my feelings so far at the halfway mark. http://adamgoodrich.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/shades-of-grey.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrSyth


      I'd say I agree, yet my wife would kill me.

    3. Gemmylou


      I haven't even bothered to read it. Im the only one out of my friends who refuses to read the trash.

    4. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      @Gemmylou it's actually not /remotely/ trash, it's extremely well done, it's just NOT for younger readers AT ALL.

  3. -finally got curious and looked up Gangnam Style video- -Can't get the song out of head-

  4. *Throws all of his irl money at Planetary Annihilation now that Galactic Wars is announced* JUST TAKE ALL MY MONEY! I'LL GIVE YOU A MORTGAGE ON MY HOUSE JUST GIMME THE GAME FASTER!!!!

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *walks up in a trench cost and glasses*

      "All your money huh? I'll be happy to aquire that from you."

    2. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      *is too busy throwing his money at his computer screen for the game to communicate properly, muttering incoherently about "commanders" and "destroying planets with asteroids".*

  5. Okay for some reason once my account became Global Moderator on the forums all comments are giving me notices but not appearing, think I fixed it now~

  6. -glances at Global Moderator group- -smiles-

    1. Alakabam


      Gratz man, So I am probaly gonna make a gm app too... >.< though I dont know.. I have alot of time on my hands and wanna give something back to the community though.. ghehe guess we will see <3

    2. Geo



    3. Samoblivion


      Congrats guy I don't know :)

  7. If anyone has dire need of me let me know, but I'm dealing with some IRL crap right now that's going to keep me away, should be on some this weekend though.

    1. EpicSmith


      I hope whatever it is you're dealing with IRL, good luck

    2. DrakeHaze.


      I don't know you but good luck.

    3. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      **** dealt with, drama averted, I'm all good now. -wipes sweat off forehead-

  8. If anyone is on Piken Square (EU) on Guild Wars 2, that's where I'm messing around, it's the unofficial EU RP server.

  9. Dealing with the dozens of errors creating characters for GW2 now. Takes 4-5 attempts to just log in, then once a character is created, it won't continue past the cinematic, so I have to exit out and start trying to log in again. Fun times.

  10. Hrm, 1.4 will add frames you can put items into as well as the ability to dye your armors. And by the looks of the screenshot you can combine multiple dyes in the process to get whole new colors on the armor besides the 16 dye colors. I hereby declare Menarra shall have Pink Diamond Armor and be feared across the lands!

  11. I miss my druid now :( but I will stick to Lillith's perma, can't be afraid to lose a character if the RP leading to the death was good.

  12. [11:10:49 PM] Menarra/Var'dagoth: ABOUT TO LIVESTREAM "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows"!!! http://tiny.cc/dagosh

  13. 5:36 AM, still not asleep. DAMN YOU INSOMNIA!!!

  14. -hawks fly out from Skravia, taking notes to the Archdruids, Jena, and select other individuals.- It is with deepest regret and sorrow that I must inform you all of the death of Lillith Winterleaf, Sequoia Druid, and her wife Aurora. Lillith was stabbed and poisoned by a man championing the cause of the Wihuns. He has been caught and executed for his crime, but Aurora could not bear the pain and took her own life. We have buried the bodies in a safe place, if you wish to pay your respects...

    1. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      ((continued))...do so at Lillith's grove, past Elanion's Fort, far northeast of Skravia. We will tend to her grove in her honor. ~Sincerely, Vailoen Johnson, sister of Lillith.

    2. Lago


      Isn't magic outlawed in Skravia anywa? Or id that end with the end of Barry's reign?

    3. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      that ended way before Barry retired, then came back, then ended again at Lillith's council to Barry. (she was his sister-in-law, so he respects her advice quite a lot)

  15. I've had a few people ask why I've been on a lot less. To keep things simple: I am working with some close friends on a side project which I will not link to or name because that is unprofessional towards the LotC community. I'm still around on both characters, just less. That is all~

  16. What have YOU done just to enhance your RP immersion? Are you addicted to your RP too? talk about it!! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/57481-you-know-youre-addicted-to-your-rp-when/

  17. So much fun slitting a little boy's throat ICly on Menarra today. Aster was so happy :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda approves.

    3. ryno2


      If I come back in June, I'll be sure to go out of my way to prevent such things from happening~

    4. Rissing


      I was soooo happy :3

      - kisses neck -


  18. Sorry to everyone that got wrapped up in the kidnapping. Planned event that I should have just shared with everyone, not sure why I didn't, and it got WAY out of hand admittedly. -appologetic huggles for everyone-

    1. ryno2


      I wasn't involved, but I'll take a free snuggle any day~

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