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Status Updates posted by Dakirennis

  1. If I here 'Are we there yet?' one more time, I'm turning this fleet around!

  2. http://prntscr.com/7m8otn Msg Arzota for orders.
    1. Babeast99


      mmm I like the one all the way to the left (;

  3. How in the world do I use an enchant book and a weapon/tool?

    1. Dakirennis


      On a weapon/tool... Pardon me.

    2. The Dennis

      The Dennis

      put book in enchanting table, then enchant the weapon like you would a book

    3. Dakirennis


      Perfect! Thanks a lot.

  4. So between Total War Warhammer and a new NSP song, today is mighty fine.

  5. If you come into darkie town and show me some fine ass emotes, you don't need no VA in my eyes.

  6. I just injected six mary janes.

    1. osumanduas


      good for you

    2. Cloakedsphere


      please do not bake marijuana's in the ovens for more than 5 minutes at over 350 degrees fahrenheit.

  7. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Vodka costs less, Than dinner for two

    1. Runabarn
    2. Moot


      Vodka with two is fun though.

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      She wants to stroke the Buddhist wheel spoke, give me a poke if you dtf.

  8. WarThunder is pretty dope.

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      Tank tank tank tank tank tank braaaap!

    2. Praetor


      it is, Russia leading the way in all aspects ayy

  9. We hottin' for Frott again? If so I'm down to #hott4Frott

    1. James



  10. I've gone from -20something back in Canada to +10 in America. This place is too hot.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dakirennis


      We don't use that ridiculous measurement in the great white north.

    3. zaezae


      So you don't like measuring things in FREEDOMS do ya? Hell, it's about sixty FREEDOMS degrees here right now.

    4. Eleatic


      damn non-american barbarians

  11. What a fun antag event.

  12. Join the dark elves today. Put the rave in Ravexi. - Nalatac 2014

  13. Hold on everybody. I made a better one.

  14. Meta birds, random arrows, and constant raids. Oh my!

    1. Samoblivion


      It's probably because they were crossbreeds.

    2. Rassidic


      Why is Kalenz the most confusing character on LOTC...

  15. http://gyazo.com/f9a1b34f7b36e3dbbe8008c6651d977d So does this mean I'll end up like Oberyn?
    1. Esterlen


      Lord Tywin and I already determined that I shall be master of ships.

  16. I watched the new Game of Thrones episode... I'm just going to lie down for a minute.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Abeam


      Don't hurt your head thinking too hard about it!

    3. lukejes


      [insert witty head joke here]

    4. Lark


      Just thinking about it blows my mind...

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