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Everything posted by OhDeerLord

  1. jdosbdiwhd9ejhw whyyyyyyyy

  2. I've been in the computer lab since 4pm.. it's 11pm

    1. Bircalin


      We need an intervention.

  3. I just realized I can download and play minecraft on my schools lab computers...

    1. Bircalin


      What's the worst that could happen !_!

    2. Booklight12


      Haha, same. In my school we also have halo and have an underground network server where everyone logged in can play eachother :P

    3. monkeypoacher


      my school blocks MC session and login servers.

  4. Would anyone be interested if I started taking 5-10$ commissions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Roguealicious


      Definitely! Your art is fantastic!

    3. OhDeerLord


      Aww thanks Rogue! I always get all blushy when I see you still have that icon

    4. Roguealicious


      I did the same when I saw it was featured on your signatures "boobs banner"! xD

  5. Huh.. So I tried with different images of different sizes- But it seems you can't set an avatar anymore unless you use a URL? Was I just derping?

    1. Birdwhisperer


      Only URLs seem to work.

    2. Grouchy


      Needs to be fairly small and you need to play around with URLs

  6. Will this post be getting any updates soon? Also- Does anyone have words for other family members? Such as Aunt, Uncle, Grandson, Grandfather, daughter, son?
  7. I don't know whats going on anymore my name is everywhere

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      You're famous, congrats

  8. I just denied a GM's alt application

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      i dont think tsu is actually that retarded considering he is or was the leader of the AT

    3. Space


      I think the GM part is being stressed to hard. If this was a normal player who was just switching from an account named 'bitchdestroy696' to 'Marius_Overlander' or something, so they had ot make a new application, is it expected that they not apply with their main character the 17th level sorceress? They should make an alt character or something so they don't have magic? I have never read alt app rules, as I don't think I'll ever need it, so I am sorta talking out...

    4. Space


      of my ass.

  9. All of us are staring at Tsu's Alt app just not sure what to do.

    1. Readicti


      If I accept it do you think senpai will notice me?

    2. Bat Druid
  10. I swear I slept like 12 hours and I'm still exhausted

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silent™


      The exhaustion is more linked to your lack of food than sleep. Eat more, and you should start getting your energy back.

    3. OhDeerLord


      Can't eat more got no moneey

    4. Readicti



  11. "There were years of discussions with the Aheral, denied reforms, ignored requests. We tried, specifically Elorna and Phaedrus, for years to internally make changes, to make it a better place for our people that the Aheral called lesser" Dwyn blinks, frowning "We all lived in Annil'sul for years before any talk of violence started, we never wanted to fight, or take over the city, and still we offer a place for Mali'Aheral to live in the city if they wish." "Unlike this damn conflict going on, we didn't go straight to blades."
  12. -Confusion Intensifies-

  13. "I have no idea whats going on" Dwyn blinks, staring at the notice "...Where the nether did this come from, I don't even know these people and they are attacking? There's been no talk of war in the city, and all of a sudden there's this nonsense. If there's something they are unhappy about why don't they just -Oh I don't know- Try to solve the conflict without screaming and swinging blades." He tsks, rubbing a hand through his hair as he glances to his humble settlement outside the main city's walls "...****."
  14. Well, found out there was no class in my very first morning class. Blew through all the sitting applications instead of going back to my room and sleeping!

  15. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Time to go back to Dragon Age after I drowned repeatedly. Yay re-doing quests.

  16. Listening to the DA: I soundtrack while I wait for class to start... Oh dis gon be guud.

  17. Aand finally, here is the capture. Now to put it in Maya and slap a lambert on it, don't need those colors. http://i.gyazo.com/96cd0e45b3af5bcb327b0e657adae60f.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kim


      Is gyazo acting funky for anyone else :C

    3. OhDeerLord


      It's been taking me several tries to take pictures with Gyazo :c

    4. Kim


      Yeah q_q I can't view the images either while it's being dumbbb

  18. The weird things I have to do for this class... http://i.gyazo.com/a7a79fa7015ab41e495bd7119d6f1ae2.png

    1. OhDeerLord


      And now I have to sit here and wait for the capture to process from my phone...

  19. My first thought is- You are rather new to the server, with only a few posts to your account and most of those were your applications- I think you should spend more time experiencing the server before you try and create a guild. Groups are hard to manage on LOTC with peoples different hours of activity, and numerous other factors. Personally- I think you should join one of the orders already on the server. Perhaps join the human military or- if they are back- the Order of Saint Lucien. They are a religious order in the human lands. In-character I can see this going many ways- Your likely a small force currently, and I'm assuming you are a collection of humans- Your force would be tamped down by the main religious order who often try to suppress other religions. Follow what Brodz said, he has some good advice if you really want to follow through with your Knights, but I still think you should spend some more time on the server just experience it and finding a place rather than making one for yourself.
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