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Everything posted by OhDeerLord

  1. Alright. Got two houses up, including a smithy, a farm, animal pasture, and the basis of a wall. Not nearly as impressive as what nations are doing but we're doing what we can with our numbers.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mining


      Kewl, good luck

    3. Narthok


      thats more impressive than what some nations are doing..

    4. OhDeerLord


      The weird thing was- I was planning on just getting a tent and wandering around all map. But alot of my friends wanted to live by me so we just found a nexus claim spot that seemed to fit our group and plopped down. Not just waiting for the plugin to work correctly so we can get region protection.

  2. As he said- This is a tool used in storytelling, but for a dynamic world where new people are joining every day I don't feel this would fit. This would also make it frustrating for app team members I bet, if a default race became 'locked'. They still get people trying to apply as Mori or their own made up race, and then having to deal with one of the main Five races and their subtypes being 'locked' would be just so annoying. There is also the issue of forcing a PK on someone not being allowed ((Except for certain races like Golems that are RP killed and have their core destroyed, and Ghosts being banished by clerics- Which they agree to when they become said thing)) Also- Monks. Monks would keep on reviving the people that were killed in this 'genocide'. Even if people agreed to PK their character ((Which I don't think many will)) most people will just be revived by monks. At which point if you keep hunting down that race or sigular players, the issue of harassment would probably come into play. No one wants every single day of their RP to be them being hunted down for simply having pointy ears or green skin- it might be fun for a little while but if its done ever single day, and it stops you from having another sort of Rp, it gets frustrating.
  3. Its like- Every other night I just don't sleep.

    1. monkeypoacher


      shhh you can sleep, just think about how I'm watching you.

  4. Its ten am and I havent slept yet what is even going on

  5. 6am. Uhh... Night(?) guys! -flops-

  6. So a group of kids no older than Eight with the youngest having just turned 5 were just threatened to have their throats cut by some orenian soldiers. Wat

  7. The application forum doesn't have the form for Alt Account's...

    1. Elad™


      I've pointed that out aready. All i've gotten in response however was a "it'll be added soon, it usually is." I'd ask Rhia about it if I were you.

    2. OhDeerLord


      I already talked to Sky and he sent it into the GM chat hours ago, just was sort of hoping that Rhia might see this status and get it posted maybe.

  8. So my list so far is My male character having to walk around with boobs, and my friend being forever trapped in the body of a child. No. This isn't RP- This is MPM being removed.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Elfen_


      But mpm is soo good. brings immersion. New one is really good as it adds customization in-game. We need server-side back :P

    3. Lago


      Doesn't when it isn't installed. No point in MPM without serverside MPM. No serverside MPM for the time being.

    4. Gone


      I'm keeping my mpm installed for the reload button. That and because cases like men with boobs and couples who suddenly have one of them being child-sized are hilarious.

  9. So because of MPM being taken out, some people are still seeing my model having huge boobs. While I'm playing my main. That's a guy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HuskyPuppy
    3. Watty_Banker


      Wait? They took out MPM? This is madness.

    4. Mephistophelian


      I have the same probs. RK sees boobs on my char, whilst everyone else doesn't xD

  10. So bored. So tired. Nothing to do and its 4am. I should sleep but is it weird I can't will myself to get off the computer and go to bed? I'm not even doing anything right now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Frigated


      DO not fall asleep because you wont be able to sleep when you want to :)

    3. Areon


      Count druids

    4. OhDeerLord


      I do know a lot of druids

  11. There should also be a pinned post about in-game time and the exact number in each month. It's a little frustrating to have to go to the Wiki in order to get this every time.
  12. Less than twelve hours until the roommate is gone :c

    1. Readicti


      We need to start a countdown!

    2. OhDeerLord


      We /could/ if your parents actually gave a definite time xD Have they even left yet?

    3. Readicti


      Maybe... Lets say they get here at 5.

  13. In the next 24 hours theroommate will be no more.. :c

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MamaBearJade


      What will she become.

    3. Birdwhisperer
    4. OhDeerLord


      She will become nothing. The instant she leaves campus she will dissipate into the air- floating without a goal until mid-august when the curse is lifted.

  14. I did it again. I stayed up all night. Wonder if I should take a nap or not

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Nap! No sleep is baaaaaaaad

  15. I have a question for you- are you still using this? If yes Are your characters parents played by someone on the server, or were they at some point is the person who killed them on the server Was the person that killed them an orcccc? ((Have to ask)) If this is all just back story, and he plans on avenging people that don't exist- killed by someone who doset exist- This is often grounds for a pending or even a denial when applying to the server... Having a character's parents dead and needing to avenge them is one of the most cliche and frowned upon things that you can do- UNLESS it legit happens while you are on the server.
  16. A wonder if a child was killed, would monks inform the parent? It dosent make much sense if a monk revives a kid then is just like "You can find your way home right? K? K."

    1. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      It usually isn't much of the Monks concern of how things work out outside of the Temple. Though in some cases if Monks actually knew their parents, they probably would.

  17. I stayed up all night again. The roommate just woke up to do things and told me to go to bed... But people that I want to talk to will be waking up soon...

    1. mmat


      Go to sleep you mental patient

    2. mmat


      Or you'll end up like russian sleep experiment

    3. Raptorious


      I did 40 hours awake 10 hours sleep yesterday :) Had like 3 epiphanies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Austin


      angelina jolie lips right there

    3. OhDeerLord


      @Demo I do but I'm very behind on the the things already posted on my request forum

    4. Stephensj


      half life three confirmed

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      You listen to Beats Antique?!

    3. OhDeerLord


      Getting the exact pose you want when you want the anatomy to be perfect mean a lot of reference gathering. This is easier than bouncing between references, creating a monstrosity

    4. OhDeerLord


      http://i.gyazo.com/75b3b58b2388672cdff75211a032e20e.png Was going to use this pose, decided on the one that I put as the status instead
  18. I've been up all night. Wwaai. Roommate went to bed like six hours ago.

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