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1984 Godly

About E__V__O

  • Birthday 10/24/1996

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    Swimming in souls.

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  1. Will the denial reason for Ascended and Cleric (+soul tree rewrite) be updated anytime soon? It was denied on Wednesday and doesn’t have a reason yet despite one supposed to be edited in shortly...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. E__V__O


      I mean Keefy... that that was the responds. Shouldn’t the correct one be “This is old lore, due to the other lore currently pending this one is denied”. Or better then what was given being “reasoning will be edited in shortly”.

    3. Keefy


      Sometimes we work within the time we have aloted. She was just cleaning up the section they were in is all, it’s fine.

    4. Farryn


      Heya! The first Ascended rewrite needed to be denied as a new rewrite that I posted was made. The reason why the first one was denied is basically because that was the base version that Jallentime wrote and it needed heavy editing but we couldn’t due to Lark uploading it then leaving. So we had to upload the now remastered rewrite. It should have been denied sooner but at least the LT did not forget it. The current one is now on pending and me and the members of the Ascended community are working on making the necessary edits that were given to us.


      Will admit, seeing the first rewrite denied actually caused some of us Ascended members to panic, thinking it was the lore I posted that got denied. However, we soon realised it wasn’t the current one but the old one. We got bamboozled.


      Also. RIP Clerical lore. Will be missed. 07

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