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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by E__V__O

  1. Quote

    Invention Lore – Halfling Explosives


    Well looks like I need to create lore for exploding halflings now. Thanks @FlamboyantNewEra

    1. 1_Language_1


      Make them smell like cupcakes and have confetti in their explosions

    2. Bluee


      This sounds like a wonderful idea.

  2.  Mhmm, Stake and eggs

  3.  Should go watch this guy, he's pretty chill and gave me a shoutout :D

  4. Updated app with new SP teacher guide up-to T3 and some lesson explanations.

  5. Wow this looks really cool.


  6. "Forgot to push a button" 

    Puts server in Dev mode.

  7. @Telanir 

    Scary mount isn't on the donation list anymore, remove from shop png.



    MyPet is still broken.





  8. @Kowaman Will the maintenance also include fishing rods to be inept crafting?


    It was stated that Jistuma was going to do this bug-fix but it hasn't happened in the latest restarts so I was wondering if it will be implemented on this update.



    1. Llir


      If we remember, yes.

  9. @Demotheus


    Plays music which can be used to ping.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. E__V__O



    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      wasn’t that a part of mpm? either that or it was lost to 1.13

    4. E__V__O


      It was on the server, not through use of MpM.

  10. @Lyonharted™ Can you make that the "Store" tab is one of the main selections rather then being under 'other' it will be hard to find and doesn't get me excited to see about donating.

    1. forwhatpvrpose


      Maybe! I'll mess with it tonight. Thanks for the suggestion.

  11. @_Hexe_ Didn’t you have diamond VIP?

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      no i respect myself and my paychecks

  12. https://phil.chrono.gg/
    87% off. $5.
    This is a great game where you build an army, conquest space and vs others. Recommend getting it.

  13. 70c0cc571485566ef53fd7eb64799f84.png


    3-12 hours guys, Give them time xD

  14. #RagnioForAdmin2018

  15. Aether VIP has the best colour.

  16. Any good lore writers / grammar edit guys/girls willing to help a poor soul with editing lore?

  17. Anyone able to give me some in-depth feedback out a lore piece i'm working on - please comment or send a PM.

  18. Anyone interested in trying a fun LoTC admin made game? Try Blobiverse today! (App store only)



  19. Artists using autotune to sing these days makes me wonder why I ain't got a singing career I can do the same thing and sound like them.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heff


      You couldn't use autotune like Future, you couldn't make music like Future.

    3. Space


      What popular artist uses autotune so heavily you couldn't tell who it was?

    4. Man of Respect
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