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About Raptorious

  • Birthday 08/17/1996

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  1. Ugh I reall wish all little towns and villages could be forced to take down their walls! They're all so ugly and pointless and so un-rp!

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    2. Raptorious


      Nealy all of the ones I have seen so far a pretty ugly. And yes james they want to protect themselves, but in this sort of time period, they would NEVER be able to afford to build walls for a town that consists of 4 houses. Nor would they other if they could afford it. Thats why you have guards. Walls are to protect from sieges not bandits and criminals. There is no way anyone would siege a tiny town, so why bother putting em up. And Simon I agree with you so much you cant even comprehend. Bu...

    3. Raptorious


      But even so, I wouldnt mind so much if they didnt all build walls about 30ft tall for a town that consists of 4 houses. And even worse they literall go to the edges of their plot and build one giant square. It looks un=rp and its purpose is so un-rp. If the little towns and villages are susceptible to attacks, rais etc then who will be? They are meant to be weak and vulnerable..

    4. Raptorious


      :/ too much to say...too much cuttng off. Perhaps i shall make a post about dis.

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