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Everything posted by Blundermore

  1. http://imgur.com/a/3cd8s last night's progress is up... I think I might do a large post at the end going through the entire build with lore and all that at this rate... started on the inner Enchantry enterior
    1. Lvke


      Looks great!

  2. Still nothing stopping him from using Krug as a backing sorry... If the character came to worshipping krug as a war patron in RP, then really, there's nothing really that can be said against it. Some people are just like that, some people just see differently. Not everyone needs to follow Oren beliefs because they are human, and no one should be forced to follow them OOC'ly. If you ask me, all this talk about "just join -such- and -such-" is a bit of a bias ended debate really, if you also ask me, I believe that there is a time when you should join existing guilds, and there is a time when you should start new ones to change up RP, because really, White Roses and Teutonic Order has been the fat cats for far too long... would be nice to see another guild pop up with different aliegencies, beliefs and doctrines. Would be also nice to see it not apart of Oren as well to start bringing some cultural depth back to the otherwise flat scape that is the Empire. This is always what eggs me sometimes, people are too quick to simply shoot down ideas based off their own bias or simply because they do not want change or also because they simply believe that it is not possible. The only way a guild will thrive and become great is through effort, good roleplay and more. Not everything has to follow the cookie cutter. As for splitting up RP, this only happens if said guild lives in a far, remote region with no RP hubs nearby, if it is near a city this point is highly invalid, as they will actually drive RP in these hubs. To the OP, do what you like, so long as your character develops his beliefs and guild in RP, there is no lore required to be wrote. People will always try to put you down at trying to form a guild, if you truly want to make it work you're going to have to put your foot in the door and be stubborn about it. Good luck to you. Regards Blundermore Edit: In also the same way how most Humans have forgotton the old ways of Horen and his teachings of love and equality yes... Or respect the man who let the enemy into his home and doomed his entire race due to his own greed for eternal life... Or respect the only descendant to not fall under the Enemy's spell and face it instead head on like an actual warrior would. Or understand/agree with the Orc ideals of "If you can't defend yourselves you don't deserve to live". It makes perfect sense that a more warrior based guild would choose krug over Horen in quite a lot of ways to which I've only mentioned a few.
  3. http://imgur.com/a/3cd8s Everyday I get closer to finishing...
    1. Hobolympic
    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. Octavion


      A beautiful tower, Blundermore. I saw it earlier today, and was quite impressed.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGXZ3jOa4PI So yeah... this is an average advert in Britain...
  5. The Tower of Hamaasadeen is coming along nicely... http://imgur.com/a/3cd8s Be sure to check out the thread as I need help :3 http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/82986-a-note-sits-on-notice-boards-of-towns-and-cities/?hl=hamaasadeen

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Wasn't there supposed to be a Mage Guild Party or was that a week ago?

    3. Blundermore


      There was yesterday. Although that's Ambros' Thing. I'm not a member of the guild, more, an Associate, and a Guide at best.

    4. EmeraldStag


      Oh, okay. Lol. Thanks.

  6. ((Or maybe the secret to Cinnamon Flavored custard. :P ))
  7. So it turns out that not only do I, Gauis and Mogroka share the same Birthday, but we are also all 23 today. I wonder if anyone else is 23 today...

    1. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos

      I turn 24 today

    2. TwilightWolf


      That's crazy! But happy birthday to all of you!

  8. In answer to savticus' issue (saviordude) and magic, he is a druid, druidic magic works off of envoking the spirit of the Aspect to do favours for you, they're not technically casting the magic but it still requires the ability to communicate with the spirits which takes time and energy. A Dwarf doesn't technically need to be an Irongut to learn Druidic magic due to all the stuff druids go through to become druids, in return for the favours they make from the Aspects, they have to preform favours for them, in the form of caring for forests and restoring landscape. Just a word of note, it is still a major downside for a Dwarf to learn Drudic magic, as they will effectively become outcasts and loose all rights to live in the hold and will be branded a deserter and a heretic by the Dwarven religion, so there are still many downsides to becoming a druid as a Dwarf.
  9. One step at a time, remember how long it took to even get magic to be an accepted RP medium on server?
  10. "Well hey, it's my brithday today, today is going to be a goo- *opens the curtains* ...Day..." *Looks outside to see that it is overcast and pouring down with rain. *Sighs*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blundermore


      By far the best name someone has said today for this day is "happy womb escape day". When I saw that on the forums I couldn't stop laughing.

    3. Blundermore


      Many thanks!

    4. Tom_Whiteman


      Happy Birth... Day... Yea :/

  11. It's my birthday tomorrow on the first of march, and I know for a fact it is also Mogroka's as I think we share the same one...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wavejammers


      I share birthday with Coaster.

    3. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      I wish you a happy marriage, Blundermore.

    4. gingernut97


      You are obviously soulmates.

  12. Started building my towers... Urgh... I am going to need so much stone and wood... wouldn't mind some help.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Blundermore


      A single enchanted Item should be worth the amount of materials needed right?

    3. Raptorious
    4. BrandNewKitten


      Sell your soul to Oren. I am sure they would build your towers if you became the court mage...

  13. I'm nearly done with my character profile... well, I have been done really for quite some while... but I feel as though I shouldn't post it as it would give away too much of my character to people who might otherwise know little actual background to my character past the fact that he was an Ascended, his name and what he is now known as: "wizard".

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Blundermore



      Does it answer the question 'Why is Blundermore a 1,000 year old human'? Because I've always wondered that.

      If I answered that with "Don't judge books by their covers" would you understand that enough?

    3. TornadoWatch


      No, because it doesn't quite answer the question.

    4. Blundermore


      I can't really add any more info without saying "Find out in rp..."

  14. *sighs...* No sleep for 24 hours straight now... and it is only 10 am in the morning.

  15. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/82107-enforcing-ig-combat-training-in-master-warriors/page-4 just made a long assed post here if you want to check it out, but anyways to sum it up, "Down with combat oriented rp/pvp"
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten
    3. Blundermore


      I'm just sick and tired of all the **** that constant gets brought up from all the constant combat rp that goes on every single day. Time to start doing some real rp again folks.

    4. Mankaar


      True that... all this fighting is killing the server. I have not gone a day so far with out seeing some one rage about losing/being cheated out of a fight.. It makes me sick of battle rp all together... Great post btw people need to wake up an realise that combat rp is not the only rp

  16. Lots of work today, sigh... check out my sig for some cool info! :P

  17. Any of you ready for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs when it comes out? I'm excited for it!

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      I actually am. The trailer looked frightening and reminded me of Lord of the Flies for some reason...

  18. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/81782-blundermores-paint-station-40k/ Take a look and stop by if you're into miniatures! I'm willing to give advice to anyone who asks for it.
  19. http://imgur.com/a/XTEVe#uQjbFfq working on this at the moment... hopefully I'll get it painted soon.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      Sorry about the quality, I don't have a good camera

    3. Undetected?


      Did you make the cape?

    4. Blundermore
  20. I just realised I have 10,005 profile views... wow. But meh, back to work. Yay...

    1. FalconByte


      *Looks at his profile views* "Ooooo man.... only 2,565, you got so many.

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      How does Panda have so many..?

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      You ARE blunderbuss ..

  21. The server cannot handle having the maps loaded at the same time, shoi has already stated this.
  22. Doing what I can, although, I did mean through memes and jokes, gifs and images. :P But anyways, joking aside, I would like to point out the the admin staff already said this was not a possibility. Unless they change their minds this topic isn't going anywhere... Well Dalek, you have a history of insulting and accusing staff members and players alike usually, or do I need to delve into the skype chats of the undead to jog your memory of that? What I find funny is the fact that everyone is treating this as though they are part of some sort of resistance or something to "the man" that is coming down on them. It is just ludicrously laughable at best and is splitting my sides with glee of thinking about. The staff are here as moderators, and that is all they are doing, moderating. GMs moderate in game, Admins do the work of the forums and staff organisation, as well as plugins etc, Lore team moderates lore, Magic team magic, VAT to villains, etc etc... Moderating is a no as well as a yes thing. Sometimes stuff needs to have the boot put on it. What about all the times you denied someone attempting to be a vampire in the VAT? Moderation
  23. Through embitterment and snidefullness, of course, you know, there is a thing called asking right? Here's the thing, asking for things don't always get what you want. You can't always get what you want. Sometimes you need to accept no means no, not go off like everyone here is doing like a little child posting memes and insulting staff all the time. Do you really think acting like a spoilt brat and banging your fists on the floor is going to make any difference what so ever? This is the paradox of LOTC. Everyone wants something, but as soon as someone says no, they throw themselves into a fit of rage, insult everything left right and centre, act like children and will simply not see the reasons why (to which have already been stated prior). As soon as the playerbase, or in fact, a smaller part of it begins to understand the meaning of "no", then the sooner we start to see this community become better off for it. Part of the reason why the community is going downhill is through the fault of the players alone. Those players to which have ever so graciously given examples here on this very thread.
  24. I'm not even going to go into detail at how wrong this statement is. I agree that sometimes people ask too much for the little most insignificant thing but in this case you really do need RP reasoning for an occurance like this. It isn't natural for this to happen. Again, not going into details as I "Hate it" when people always go on about how we should "screw the lore" and just go on as we please with no benchmark to stand on. I've had it with having to explain why lore is needed to people like you so I am not going to try. Go read my past posts to find out why as I cannot be bothered wasting my time answering this same thing over and over again. Go waste your own damn time to learn how to better yourself, ignorant child. I'd tell you it's a wonder to me how you are even on the app team sometimes with the things you do... Also, note what Shoi said before. It is not possible at this time with the equipment at present to handle the maps. Most lore is in place to make RP fair and reasonable as well. Just because it might be fun for some people to be able to ride dragons doesn't mean it is fun, fair and reasonable for everyone else. Egging people on serves nothing but to fuel the fires of dispute. At least some people here are taking into account those who were not in Aegis, compared to those who just want Aegis for the sheer fact of Aegis. Might I also point out that these temp maps that we are on at least have meaning and drive our characters fowards? A dream work would not do any of that, there would be no purpose at all for the RP done in a dream world. Just look at the last dream world. Everyone got bored because everyone realized anything they did in the dream world didn't matter. Could we pay attention to the Administration please? Instead of just ignoring them all of the time and THEN getting scauled with a deny? Which is usually the case. Do not mistake my objection to this topic as in a sense saying I do not wish to return to Aegis. I really do wish Aegis was still the norm of the server. But then I also remember that the times have changed and we have moved on in lore. It wouldn't make sense to go back there right now as there is nothing to go back to. As shoi said:
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