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Status Updates posted by Knox213

  1. Wow I feel bad for what I did now to Lelien, but not Equinox, that guys a ****.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. dank


      knox love me. : )

    3. Knox213


      oh **** i forgot Ptah.

    4. Lawrna


      Love ya, darlin

  2. :(

    1. Shadowjax


      what were you expecting? a battle without a br?

    2. Knox213


      no i am sad 4 snow elves.

  3. Taxation guide video will be up later today! Along with this weeks Vekaro report!

    1. MediocreGamer


      booooooooo, taxes, boooooooooo :D

  4. So, twenty five thousand minas later, four hours of removing an entire mountain, I can safely say Vekaro has enough room to support every single person who has ever asked for a house there.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      I'll take 3 and 1/4 houses

    2. sophia


      and also the burning of solum #slayorenyaas

    3. Markus Wander

      Markus Wander

      Just in time for everyone to move to Kaldonia!

  5. Well, I have a fish tank in game now, how about you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      i have a tank fish *****

    3. Lark


      Strelts have flamethrowers

    4. Birdwhisperer


      I can talk to fish.

  6. Due to the fast pace of the builders within Vekaro, the current houses constructed will be available for rent! Just got to add the street signs and you can all start reserving your house!

    1. Knox213


      Hovels will be available for sale.

  7. Have to say, i'm genuinely really impressed with my progress on Vekaro, 'aint even finished yet and i'm always finding players there. Amount of PM's i'm getting asking for homing is ridiculous! And that only motivates us to get stuff done quicker!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Devland99


      No need to be jerks XD

    3. Shadowjax


      you and your city make me sick i'm going to krapdonia

    4. Knox213


      !!! i am running away to mogdonia

  8. Looking to hire people who can build the general exterior work of houses, willing to pay 250 per house, materials will be provided.

    1. AlmondTree



    2. Parading
    3. Knox213


      No, just the house template Pess.

  9. Check out the Vekaro Overview to check the latest news within Vekaro, things which have occurred and things which will occur.

  10. I'll never quite understand why people make others apply for a house position, that kind of **** is gained yo not freely given out.

    1. Neri


      It's OK if theyre born into it but yeah that scenario is a little odd.

  11. Server PK'd RIP

  12. Who runs the princedom of Fenn? Their wall is pretty much crossing into Vekaro's land...

    1. Rassidic


      ww2buff Or something.

  13. Looking for people to join the Stranniks, PM me if your interested.


    1. Raptorious


      Aint nothin gonna break my stride

  15. When people grief on minecraft I always imagine this song being played.

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. Elfen_


      Lol knox. +1 for beach boys

  16. Well done to everybody who took part today, fun battle. Actually lived to see the end of it.

  17. The march of the rave.

    1. AlmondTree
    2. Kemp


      The Raevir remember.

  18. Downloading the total war GoT mod, better live up to the expectations...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Knox213


      downloading the CK2 one as we speak, already conquered Pentos, Lys, Mys in the M&B mod, found it relatively boring though due to the fact i'm just running around killing people, and due to the fact the events stop after a while. North doesn't seen to do jack **** except raid lannister cities, ironborn are doing the most work by erradicating the lannisters, and here I am, an entire ocean away destroying everything in my path, sucks balls when a settlement has over 500 people though.

    3. DragoonCrow


      Yeah, the total war one is really not that good. It's nothing compared to the Lord of the Rings mod.

    4. Knox213


      the lord of the rings mod is perfect.

  19. join child crusade against the high elves, we will sack their city for all their cookies and milk.

  20. Let the hype build within you.
  21. Appropriate posts/topics will be posted tomorrow, i'm off to bed.

  22. Fear not my minions!

  23. Today was a good day.

  24. Today was a good day.

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