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Bedrock VIP
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Everything posted by Eleatic

  1. this community circlejerks a lot

  2. How about PVP Default is used for people who have a tendancy to run on, and RP for Magical creatures, mages, and generally good sports. I like that idea.

  3. Can you guys, y'know, stop spamming comments with trolly nonsense? It's just contributing to the idea that lotc is shadowing it's former self. C'mon. It does nothin to help the community, b nice.

    1. Snoop


      damn bear you scary.

    2. Merkaken


      Excuse me while I crawl in the corner and cry my eyes out.

    3. Anderssn


      MY sister didn't like this. She cried earlier today when we couldn't buy her a teddy bear because the shop didn't accept card payment.

  4. Wake up to my dog having a siezure, and a shatstorm in my skype chats. Woo!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Eleatic


      Yep! Most of the people involved haven't either, I'll be happy to add ja to that little shindig. I believe I'm the DM for this one, and I can link you the PHB for 2e, if you'd like. :D

    3. JCQuiinn


      Sounds lovely. To be honest I can't promise I'll be able to do it ((College student +1 job looking for a second)) but if I can I'd love to be involved.

    4. Eleatic


      No problemo, I'll PM you closer to the thing.

  5. friendly fire beepboopbeeopboop

  6. Crash right before battle..woo

  7. Decided to roll an Orc char. Only ever had a claw. Any guides?

    1. Aengoth


      Depends on what sorta Orc you wanna be. Personally I play mine in a more beast-like fashion.

  8. The Monk Masquarade is on now! Anyone who wants to attend, head to the temple!

    1. Space


      11:35 on a school night.

    2. JtPv


      I mean, one day wouldn't kill or anything..dont kill me i have the mushrooms

  9. The Monk Masquarade is on now! Anyone who wants to attend, head to the temple!

  10. Why are people using f**got in rp again

    1. Shadeleaf


      Alone, we are just twigs, but together, we form a mighty f-ggot!

    2. Addled


      ^ Only one g for that definition bud ;)

  11. no join the wilven monks damn heretics

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