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Status Replies posted by Tom_Whiteman

  1. Tips for keeping RP interesting? Been very bored lately.

  2. I need to un-rustle my jimmies.

  3. We should get Double XP weekend for our rollbacks

  4. Daily ork trivia. Name the 4 main children of Krug. Bonus points if you name them in order of birth.

  5. Daily ork trivia. Name the 4 main children of Krug. Bonus points if you name them in order of birth.

  6. Why is embermoor no longer cultist?

  7. I don't see those cocoa bean shops.... Cmon now......

  8. People seem to dislike Beardmancy and have called it out as 'BS.' Anyone know what the Beardmancers have actually done for people to hate the magic? I heard it was overpowered.

  9. Holy crap guys this just in. ORCS RIGHT? ORCS! ORCS ARE LOOKING FOR A WAR! DID YA SEE IT COMING BECAUSE I SURE AS HELL DIDN'T! Orcs looking for war, gee whiz.

  10. Halfling Trivai Of the Day: What was the name of the second halfling village in Anthos and where was it?

  11. Ima try to put a modpack together with the permitted mods of the server. Unless it's already been done, if so, too lazeh.

  12. Anyone wanna play H1Z1 with me?

  13. After 8 years of sporting the wardog gamertag, a change is in order... So, should I stick with CosmicWhaleShark or go with my other one, Idk_What_Im_Doing

  14. After 8 years of sporting the wardog gamertag, a change is in order... So, should I stick with CosmicWhaleShark or go with my other one, Idk_What_Im_Doing

  15. A halfling char seems real nice right now… no stress…. Hmm… Lich RP or Halfling? What to decide...

  16. Where are all the orcs..

  17. I'm making a House, join me :)

  18. Daily Trivia: In what server patch did jack o’ lanterns become craftable in the 2x2 grid?

  19. Returned for the first time in years! Really is crazy how quick the years go. So many happy memories here! Even seen a few people I know listed as online.

  20. Kalmic! Kalmic! Kalmic! Kalens+Artimec!

  21. Daily Trivia: Guy de Bar is Count of what land?

  22. Banned for mod shopping >:(

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