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Everything posted by Pinsir99

  1. Just fought a Lich. Was fun Eze'kiel~

  2. Not a heretic...

  3. LoTC Triva: Who had started the Phoenix Rebellion/War?

  4. LoTC Triva: Who were the Sages in Aegis and what were their respective titles/jobs?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. craotor


      They did absolutly nothing and were completely corrupt.Their main job was protecting Alras

    3. everblue2er101



      Except later, I'm leaving for dinner in ten minutes.

    4. Pinsir99
  5. Can someone explain what all these Necromancer and Clerical thingies are? I'm so confuzzled.

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Basically... Better than the antags.

  6. Freya's ears keep distracting me. Halp.

  7. ww3buff, I /like/ the idea. Just get the approval for it and we can all be happy.

    1. Pinsir99


      I was off by a War >.>

  8. Name of Dryad, Greek word and English meaning: Mikro - mikró - Small Type of Dryad: Bonsai Picture of Skin: MC Username: Pinsir99 Forum Username: Pinsir99
  9. Can an FM set my Total Tophat to show above my VIP?

    1. Bircalin


      I tried, I cried, I failed.


  11. *Giggles uncontrollably* "ITSS BAACK~"

  12. Aerius looks over the poster, a scowl forming on his face as he rips down the paper. "Just great..." He grumbles, trudging off.
  13. To post my Sky Whale lore or not to post... That is the question...

  14. D: We need a bartender at the GM village, stat!

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