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Status Updates posted by jtringl

    1. jtringl


      If you know me, a +1 and comment would be nice.

      If you don't, just give it a view ^.^

      Thanks Guys.

    2. Wizard


      Shameless advertising, I like it! :)

  1. There are EIGHT staff members on in DEV Mode. Come on team, you got this! May we possibly see the glow of server on our screens by the end of the night?

  2. Oh hey there, GM's status update on 2.5 ETA would be pretty nice right now. Planks and thank you? ^.^

    1. Stevie


      Planks are for walking, and not used when talking.

    2. Lirinya


      There was one yesterday.

    3. jtringl


      Meant Please* Haha.

      And Liri, that said we would be seeing it in a day or two. Really there should be an update about what still needs to be done on it and where were at on it.

  3. Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stevie


      I wish I had a family.

    3. Jarkarll


      Learn something new everyday! Stitch doesn't know ****.

    4. Ventraux- King of the Rose

      Ventraux- King of the Rose

      My whole family was killed by orcs...

  4. When I download hawks modpack, it shows up as a document. Cant open or anything. Im on a mac, version 10.7.5. Anyone else having problems or know the solution?

  5. Just requested someone make 10 skins.. =o

    1. Amorphbutt


      He or she must hate you right now.

    2. Shadeleaf


      split the work, come at me bro!

      Gimme skins!

    3. The 5'th Friar~
  6. and were back down again..

  7. Are we getting an explanation post anytime soon about what is happening? Dont like being left in the dark...

    1. shiftnative
    2. jtringl


      But you havn't given reason why I occasionally see the server up on "debug"

    3. jtringl


      Doesn't explain why I occasionally see the server up under "Debug"

  8. Planning to bring Seventis to glory on 3.0, starting from scratch like we did in Asulon. Looking for people opinions on whether or not this is wanted and will bring interesting role-play.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wizard


      I agree, haven't we learned anything from Asulon?

    3. Hobolympic


      No more Seventis. Even though I did find some of the RP quite good.

    4. Esterlen


      No, sorry. We don't need another human kingdom with little IC justification or lore.

  9. Anyone on a server?

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      If you wanna practice invasion style gameplay, similar to a Lotc siege (i think), go to thedarkage.nl

  10. Listening to that disney music.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. danic


      Oooooh. Okay that's completely different.

    3. steelersfan1221


      Phineas and Ferb = Swag

    4. steelersfan1221


      Phineas and Ferb = Swag

  11. Anyone on teamspeak?

    1. LedZep98


      Everyone is on Teamspeak. Everyone

  12. apparently only some people can connect to server?

  13. Server down or just me?

    1. aron.


      Down for me, as well

  14. Lore beginnings. Read up, and gimme feedback NOWZ! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/69958-the-civilization-of-halvarard/

  15. I can't get something to center in a post and it really irks me... It centers, but when I post it it moves to the left. Any ideas?

  16. My donation transaction just went through, now what?

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      if your not automatically promoted, message native on the forums or on skype

    2. DrakeHaze


      Wait for server to come back up then do a modreq.

  17. Can we use visa gift cards to donate?

  18. Go on the build server.

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