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Cola one 1

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Status Updates posted by Cola one 1

  1. What happened to the Camel Bandits?

  2. Is it just me or does mind magic seem a bit metai?

  3. Just thinking out loud, but anyone think it might be a good VIP perk to have it so that VIPs have more of a chance to get better things from keys through voting?

  4. Do humans still have the buff that makes them stronger when there's more of them?

  5. Are there any Gods or Daemons/Angels that are based along the lines of greed, wealth and deception?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Travista


      There would be a spirit for both in the orkish faith

    3. Lima


      Grimdugan is not a real aenguldaemon though, just a creation of the dwarves.

    4. Ragadorus
  6. Where've all of these criminal guilds come from? xD

    1. Eli Cohen

      Eli Cohen

      From the moment the Charter thing's started

    2. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      Oh right, and as soon as I stop looking for a criminal guild and make one myself haha.

  7. Are there any rules against stealing a ship?

    1. Guy d'Yood of Mann
    2. H


      ...You're going to need a crew of 17ish depending on the size of the ship.

      That is, if you're about to do what I think you're about to do.

    3. Yoff


      Sam, yes!

  8. Is it against the rules to run a brothel?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. danic


      call it a bakery

    3. Samoblivion


      @Eli Cohen We'd need Succubus lore for that to work.

    4. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      *cough* "Squirting Stallion, Al'Dirahk" *cough*

  9. Do swords still have buffs? Like the +24% damage thing.

  10. Fast travels? Well there goes bandit RP ;(

  11. What do you think?

  12. This still mean lock picking is back?

  13. Would anyone be interested in a Robin Hood like group? Stealing from rich, ransoming them, then giving part of the reward to the commoners and paupers.

    1. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      Trying to house and defend the little people, recruiting from slums and small villages, etc, just a short example.

    2. Rael


      The commoners must be freed from the tyranny of King Olivier and his Barmy Army dogs!

    3. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      I know it might sound like a rebel sort of thing, but it'd be more so providing for the needy, and defending commoners from things such as bandits or soldiers acting like bandits, mostly for self profit, but with a good concionse.

  14. Any criminal organisations still on this?

    1. TavernLich


      Yes: Oren.


      But seriously, yes, there are criminal organizations.

    2. leave me alone
    3. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      Oh right, thanks, haven't been on the server for a little while and was hoping to go back to being a petty criminal, know anyone I could speak to, to find out more about them?

  15. Any gypsy like guilds or groups out there?

  16. Is the lock picking and pickpocketing plugin still coming out?

  17. Any ETA on when the lock picking plugin comes out?

  18. I'm confused on what's happened with lock picking, is it still a thing, or has it been completely removed?

    1. IrishPerson


      You can lockpick doors and you can lockpick chests in raids. If not in a raid you cannot lockpick chests.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      Lets all raid afk rich people

  19. What would everyone's thoughts be on a privately run prison?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Archbishop


      Hmm just maybe a kha will come to this prison to steal a prisoner for a sacrafice... or many prisoners for many sacrafices...

    3. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      Could be a pretty good idea, a guard could maybe be bribed every elven week from a kha for a random prisoner to be 'released', but ends up getting killed by a kha.

    4. Archbishop


      Would be fun, I already thought of taking prisoners to sacrafice on our new island. Nobody could care cause they are "prisoners"

  20. Where would someone put a raid post?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      I mean post a topic on the forums that you're going to raid some place.

    3. Archbishop


      roleplay forums

    4. Cola one 1
  21. Dayum, that heist on Tuv's store was intense :p

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Parading


      I got wool and wood lol

    3. Raptorious
    4. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      Nope, the only thing we found that was of worth was a diamond pick :p

  22. Anyone want to play as a pick-pocketing orphan with me? :3

    1. Valor777


      Sam I thought I already had this position. :(

    2. Cola one 1

      Cola one 1

      This was made before I asked you, I hope you still love me <3

  23. With the new PVP update, would it still revert to PVP if you rp'ly sneak behind someone and stab them in the back, or slit their throat?

    1. Shorsand


      I think PvP Default only applies to parties larger than 4, unless they say otherwise.

    2. Cyndikate


      We used to have Vaq's sneak plugin. Where you're randomly stealthed.

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