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Status Updates posted by Gwonam_Blaze

  1. Once again, sore throat. It really, really hurts when I cough >.

  2. I find it odd that I've been playing here for over a year and a half now, but still haven't met or spoken to half of the Aegis veterans yet. Hope I get to some time.

    1. Akeron


      I remember throwing an egg at you from incredibly far away and laughing when it hit and you took out your sword and just looked around for a few minutes.

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      I have no memory of that, but by the sounds of it, that was definately me; oblivious as usual...

  3. I'm still looking for me millionth dollar.


    1. FlareGunCalamity


      I don't know if anyone stole it, but i probably ated it.

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      *Begins to panic, looking side to side, then sprints away

    3. danic


      BUT MR. KRABS!

  5. Feels like one of my fingers is dislocated, but I can't lodge it back in to place and it really doesn't 'look' dislocated.

    1. Arkelos


      Sit on it. Seriously, it might help.

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      ... It didn't.

    3. Arkelos


      Did you punch anything? Lift anything heavy?

  6. Oh god, why do college days always end in drama? Seriously, anyone else get that?

    1. Kanra


      Aye aye.

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Nope because I do not spend time nor converse with such a crowd ;)

    3. Rhia


      Ignore it, People who make drama just have boring lives and are trying to fill it with something. Be better than that ;)

  7. Ngg... No college, don't come tomorrow...

  8. My course is the only one I know of where going to Comicon for a day is classed as a work related day trip.

  9. Tell us how your day was!!!!!!!

  10. I love this family.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      I love you too.

    2. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      I wasn't invited?

  11. I don't understand why people keep making their characters use crossbows for close range combat when they're designed for long range. What ever happened to swords?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Purple Llama

      Purple Llama

      I never said Crossbows take skill...I said swords do

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      I was being sarcastic, Llama. Just making a playful dig ;P

    4. Purple Llama

      Purple Llama

      -derp- right err...

  12. The confusedlyness has landed.

  13. LotC, you're getting old.

    1. legoman144


      Its barely an infant :]

  14. Hah, policies. Legalities. The world makes so much damn sense.

    1. legoman144


      When you accept the humble manatee as you god and savior all becomes apparent. Honestly though, no matter how convoluted it is, it is a necessary tool to keep us from acting absolutely bananas.

  15. Look what I made for you all, because I got bored: http://imgflip.com/i/u53v ( I love you )

    1. Dargene


      Sure, i did not want to sleep...

    2. Javelberg


      So...disturbing T_T Well..more coffee and stay awake!

    3. Lord_Sauron_


      SCP-173! I love 173, and it loves me back. It follows me everywhere, and is always giving me hugs. Sometimes he doesn't know his own strength, though.

  16. Yay4newavatar

    1. Nug


      u scare mi boi

    2. Joe_Blackman
    3. Roxforbraynz


      That's... mildly terrifying, yet somewhat fascinating and a bit interesting.

  17. Today's weather was like LotC's. The snow couldn't decide whether it wanted to stay on or off >_

  18. Apparently I got bluescreened because of falling sand .-.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hammer01



    3. Eleatic


      It is such a MASSive Error.

      am i doing it

    4. hammer01


      *double facepalm*

  19. Free internet hugs for all!

  20. Playing the games of my child hood once more is so nostalgiac, it's turning my brain to jelly. Too bad I've realised how bad they all were...

  21. The fishing net plugin's a little glitchy; Me and Bryan now have normal sponges as well as nets :I

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaiser


      got a link on how to use this stupid plugin?

    3. Gunner
    4. Evilbanana5757


      You need lots of hax

  22. Is the server lagging really badly for anyone else?

  23. 6 or so hours of time spent on animation project so far; 3 seconds of animation. Worth it.

  24. Shelfish GwoGwo wants to know how your day was.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hanrahan


      I got bullied on Anti-bullying day

    3. Lvke


      PAINFUL! I am home from school right now.... ;-;

    4. EmeraldStag


      It was okay, though forum rp could of been more....ripened? IS that what I am looking for? Anyway yeah. It was alright, but FRP was lacking.

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