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About Cyndikate

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. When people call me a bad RPer, it really hurts, a lot. I'm very critical of my RP skills and I strive to bring interesting and engaging RP to other players. If I catch myself powergaming or metagaming, that ruins my day. I immediately correct it, and apologize, but in the end, I just have zero tolerance for giving players trash RP. Call me a perfectionist, sure. I ran into a newer player who did call me a terrible RPer, along with another player who started before me. It makes me so furi...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sargeblub


      Implying that being here longer than someone makes you a better RPer than them.

    3. Pro_Whistler


      If people call you a bad roleplayer, call them a bad person for judging. You're great, Cyn. I've seen your RP. It's tasteful and fun.

    4. Kaiser



      I agree, but that doesn't mean much. Many people must get a lay of the land first, even though we have people here from 2 years ago, and are still idiots.

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