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Status Updates posted by gabriel101x1

  1. Sitting at my desk, playing Rains of Castamere on my guitar like a boss, whilst Rping with someone ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      You're a girl? *Swoons*

    3. Googlesearch


      Could you possibly record it...I love Game of thrones

    4. gabriel101x1
  2. Got attacked by a zombie with 250 hearts whilst RPing. FML...

  3. Why do I get the feeling the VAT isn't actually reading VAs... http://scr.hu/13tv/34dk8

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trouvo


      looking forward to running into your x3 psycho, good rp psycho's are rare

    3. Raptorious


      They're not really that rare. Good ones are rare.

    4. gabriel101x1


      Ah, I see :P

      Did you read through my loooooong bio? :P

  4. Villain app accepted.. Now to actually make a skin :P

  5. 119 players online.. 0 GMs online.. Q_Q

    1. everblue2er101


      They're having a tea party.

      No really.

    2. everblue2er101


      They're having a tea party.

      No really.

  6. Are there any characters on the server who are Luthiers?

  7. Anyone else think it would be interesting if people who were both telekinetic mages and architects were sometimes given /fly when doing building to represent the fact they would be able to move blocks with their minds? Would give telekinesis a good non-combat use.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shiftnative


      This could also extend to players for a mina cost, rp'd that you've hired a builders guild to assist you!

    3. gabriel101x1


      I'm just trying to think of ways to fix the fact that all magic on this server seems to be made for combat and nothing else... :(

    4. Lord of the Nublets

      Lord of the Nublets

      I actually think this would be cool. Maybe the tech team could give us a plugin that if you have access to, you can do something like /tele and then you're MC body stays on the block you were on, and you can freely move around, invisible, and build stuffz. THAT would be cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aron.


      I love your bias towards putting Salvus in all your renders :) Looks great!

    3. gabriel101x1


      ^ What can I say? I fell in love with Salvus from the moment I laid eyes upon it during my time on the build server before the map was released; even though I have no RP or OOC affiliation with them.

    4. Acornlad



  8. We're slipping down the ranks.. Vote damnit!

    1. TheBareSheet


      Ha! I just voted!

    2. Steampunk Alchemist

      Steampunk Alchemist

      What? Unacceptable, we're the grandest server in existence!

  9. I love performing shakespear :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Haelonavious Varunthaar
    3. gabriel101x1


      I had to play the character Shylock in Merchant of Venice in front of hundreds of people :)

    4. gabriel101x1


      Btw. Excuse the typo with Shakespeare. I was half asleep whenI d idt he status :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. aron.


      Please tell me this is the size of a desktop backround~

    3. Lathros


      Not enough dwarves.

    4. gabriel101x1


      It is a desktop background size, yes. The creeper is running the market stall, and the enderman is just being a creepy dude :P

  10. I'm back! (I never left really. Just got very innactive) But anyway yea. Have a render! http://imageshack.us/a/img197/7307/az7v.jpg

  11. Hmm. Hopefully now Oren will no longer be an all-powerful supernation andthe other races will have some people actually RP them...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Servant of St. Owyn

      Servant of St. Owyn

      It's sad that almost half of oren had to leave the server for the other three races to even attempt to defeat them.

    3. IrishPerson


      Flays now pretty much own Oren so....

    4. gabriel101x1


      Half of Oren leaving... Wut?

      It wasn't that many.

  12. Ugh. Why is it that every time I save someone's life in The Witcher 2 then later turn out to be evill and try to kill me... Q_Q

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      Go help Iorveth you'll be happy later.

    3. wealthypiano


      no do not help iorveth

    4. wealthypiano


      help the nilfgaards they are always the best

  13. Having it be your job to glitch and hack plugins? :O *wants to be beta tester*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mucky


      ^Wut he sed

    3. monkeypoacher


      Testing stuff is an agonizing job. I don't know about plugins but other things are really painful to test.

    4. Lym


      will it blend?

  14. Val's taken reference on the combat poll topic xD

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