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The Great Mongol Khan

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Everything posted by The Great Mongol Khan

  1. ____________________________________ The Gates of Elvenesse ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Onward was Cyrus’ gaze set, upon the cold stones set into the archway of the gates to Elvenesse. The rain dropped down gently upon his ashen face. The gates were quiet and still. His heart beated ever so gently. He said nothing but his eyes peered onward flavored with a mourn filled disappointment. He began to think to himself… “My people have grown misguided. How is it that a race of peace has grown to harbor so much hatred within their hearts. They have grown to be nothing but servants to a ruler who cares not for all Mali as a leader should. Has peace been washed from the minds of Mali, only to be replaced by the self grandiose ideas of a tyrant.” He turned his head to the side, clenching it towards his shoulder in pitiful sorrow, letting his gaze depart from the archway and to the flowing creek below him. “I only ever came to these lands as an arbiter of love and peace, in an attempt to see two elves dissolve the past between them and I have been met with hostility and ego from the patriarch of their Prince. The elves have fallen in line beneath him, growing ever so faithful in their servitude to a mortal. They are not even offered representation in a land that clings onto them to bolster the ego of an elf who rules over them from the shadows of his family. Have they forgotten that when Iblees cursed our people with infertility, the Aenguls blessed us with peace so that our hearts may live on through the little children that we foster into this world. Such has grown lost in the hearts of Mali… for a mali’ker seeking fellowship with them, never raising a sword or bearing down insults or falsities to be cast out from their lands like this with so little regard. Where has our care for our race gone.” ____________________________________ Cyrus’s turned on his heels, his stride imbuing a strong sense of direction. A warm smile overtook his cheeks as he gracefully let his mind sing into the air, “One day things will be different. One day, the Mali will have a true place to call home. A place where nobody will be excluded because of the tyrannical ramblings of a man that fashions himself a King. A place where the children will dance in merriment and the warriors of our people will be drawn to their sense of duty and protection. Our people will soon live amongst and defend each other with their hearts and souls. To this I pledge my heart to you Father Malin…” He reached gently into his pocket, retrieving an old coin. He peered down to it, with an otherworldly spirit growing within his eyes. ____________________________________
  2. Everyone's bitching about the forums. Basically fixed already.

    1. Notic


      Imagine not  living in Bramblebury smh

  3. Dreams of Malinor Deep within the hearts of all Mali, lay a dormant dream often unfulfilled. A yearning of the spirit that often falls to the mind’s ego that too often plagues us. A dream of bountiful glades, of mountain peaks. Where the fish flow endlessly upon the shores. And the laughter of our children is protected by the swords and quivers of those who set upon the path of a warrior. This dream showed its face to the surface, through desires such as the sea faring elves of Aegrothond, but thus this ‘Dream of Elvenesse’ has fallen short of what was envisioned in the mind of its holders. The dreams of a united time of Mali, has grown to be null in the minds of those who so cherish it, and to take its place a dormant meandering amongst daily life and keeping their holds and territory in order. I must assure you my brothers and sisters, this dream that we all hold has not fallen on deaf ears. Through our collective hearts, we all wish for an even stronger unity amongst us, one unseen by even those Mali that have come before. For in my mind, body, and spirit I too often find my mind drift into the distance. I too have felt my spirit overtaken by our dreams of Malinor. Walking in togetherness with one another, appreciating all of our individual strengths and weaknesses we shall find ourselves on the path to realizing this dream that we all hold. A time when the backs of elves will be unbowed to those who wish us harm and destruction. This dream that we all hold can only be achieved with the burning fire of our ancestors and a spirit of progression and forwardness in the way that we hold each other within our hearts. Thus, the time has come for a collective change amongst all descendants of Malin. For we all, dream of Malinor. -Yours truly, Cyrus, the Mali’ker in humble service to the united mali people
  4. Thank you so much guys! I think adding bigger wood nodes would help as well! Kudos! EDIT: Didnt even read the whole thing lol
  5. Welcome to LOTC! If you need anything or have any question, feel free to ask! Discord: Gangass_Khan#7604
  6. Another great work of lore! Good job Gaius!
  7. "Dear Maciek, We are currently undergoing construction of a city in the North. If you wish to partake in such construction, we can guarantee you land to build your own residence on as well as some pay. I look forward to hearing back from you. -Luminous Rothgard-Silverblade"
  8. This auction has been closed; item has been sold! Blessings to all participants.
  9. Hello Axios, I, Luminous Rothgard am auctioning off my Carabrum Warhammer Recipe. Bids will begin at 5,000 minas. Please, only serious offers.
  10. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." #Murica
  11. "To the Rt. Honorable Captain Johnny Wilson of the Order of the Rangers of Tahn, Hello Captain, I am with well wishes for your endeavors as rangers of our great continent of Tahn. I also hold our lands dear in mind with the methods of my decision making and future ambitions. It would be my pleasure to help sponsor you on your journey to prominence and influence in military and scouting interests. I look forward to a reply from you. -Yours truly, Regent of Mordskov, Holy Great Ser Luminous Rothgard"
  12. "God damnit Taliah! You will kill the market! We aren't all as rich as you!", Luminous frowns.
  13. [[Bro this is sweet! Keep up the good work!]]
  14. "Hello citizens of Axios, I am selling a double chest of wool for the low price of 500 minas. If you inquire to purchase it send a bird to Luminous Rothgard [Gangass_Khan] or write a letter [Forum PM] to Mordskov. Have a nice day!" *Delivery of product will cost 100 minas for shipping and handling; if you do not wish to pay the money, then you will be expected to come and retrieve your purchased materials.*
  15. "Tell me the locations of said witches and you shall be granted a quick death" says a crusader
  16. "Hello citizens of Axios, I am selling a double chest of wool for the low price of 500 minas. If you inquire to purchase it send a bird to Cardinal Luminous Rothgard [Gangass_Khan] or write a letter [Forum PM] to Mordskov. Have a nice day!" *Delivery of product will cost 100 minas for shipping and handling; if you do not wish to pay the money, then you will be expected to come and retrieve your purchased materials.*
  17. *Notes are pinned throughout the notice boards of all of Axios* "The Holy Company is in low supply of Windswept branches and seeks to purchase more! Send your offers below or contact Luminous Rothgard . Prices are completely negotiable!" ((User: Gangass_Khan))
  18. Do it! Bring the easterners back! If you want any assistance with lore hmu
  19. "Mom would be so proud if she could see me now" -Osiris Rendar "P.S. You butchered my name."
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