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Status Replies posted by Sythan

  1. Fun Fact for those who didn't know.: Humans usually die of old age at about 150.

  2. So, what're the keys you get for voting for? http://gyazo.com/ee3337bd008d69cd39a11467629e680f

  3. So... why isn't the cloud temple made of sandstone?

  4. Someone give me a good name for a human house

  5. Mod spawning seriously needs to be turned down lmao. Armies are invading our camp!

  6. GMS take this time and do ban appeals

  7. I have been waiting to contact an Admin for days now, can someone help? Speaking of contact with GM's/Admin's why is there no "Waiting for admin/GM support." teamspeak channel.

  8. Server crash?

  9. So to confirm even is at 4pm EST on the 27th? Making it Sunday (28th) 4am for us aussies, right?

  10. Looks like people caught the democracy bug with all these damn strawpolls. So much democracy in fact, my bald eagle shed a tear. 'Murica.

  11. I just got a good idea for Elvi and it seems very reasonable and makes sense: What if she was actually half-elf? Hence why almost everyone mistakes her for an elf. O_O Is that allowed?

  12. Alchemy re-do, yes or no?

  13. Anyone want me to redesign their character?

  14. Anyone want me to redesign their character?

  15. When's the next Nexus patch? aengulic fishing does barely any good

  16. I no longer like Bendak Starkiller

  17. any good games for a 2012 grade computer?

  18. Any of my old friends still around ?

  19. Any of my old friends still around ?

  20. Is MPM still a server thing? If so what version of minecraft and MPM?

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