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Status Replies posted by Sythan

  1. I don't know about the you players overseas from the U.S., but over here it's become so obvious that people just worship their party. I mean, look, if someone points out something our current president and you defend him by pointing out what our last president, well, then we're just engaging in political worship.

  2. i actually have no idea what they're talking about.

  3. how do you do the [!] emote thing

  4. im giving away 10k to the first person who guesses a number im thinking of from 1-15.


  6. People who say THE Ukraine, have no place in my heart

  7. make remove of food rotten thing pls

  8. I think the real issue with nexus, professions, regions, vapps and mapps, is they're just plain a waste of time that could be spent roleplayin,,which I'm p sure is what this server is for.

  9. Not charging anything if you want some art done. Art trades can be arranged

  10. What's your favorite TOAST!?

  11. I have this sudden urge to write lore but on what? What would enhance you roleplaying experience? What would you like to see in RP?

  12. I'd thought the staffies couldn't ban for PMs anymore, I cri.

  13. Can Nathan Barnett PK his brother IRL...?

  14. Who plays Super Smash Brothers? I'm playing on my 3DS cause I can't sleep.


  16. Yes, the server is online. There are some issues however, bear with us.

  17. Is the server down?

  18. ill say it because nobody else has the backbone to.... liri broke the server.... again

  19. Why can't I put gifs into my signature? :C

  20. Why can't I put gifs into my signature? :C

  21. Renn Sterling is such a gentle fellow

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