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Status Updates posted by CTap

  1. "If you have nothing better to do then have pretend sex online.... I think you need some more hobbies." -Rhia

    1. CTap


      This right here is why I will always love Rhia

    2. Kardel


      Thats siggy material right there

    3. Demotheus


      Again, most people probably didn't go to a brothel to have pretend sex for the hell of having pretend sex. There's nothing all that interesting about "Ftb" you know :I

  2. My goodness what happened to this server...

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Porno virus got into it

    2. excited


      I blame communism. (Jk).

      I call it catering to the loudspoken of the community, that's all.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity
  3. What I envision someone to be when they act tough on the internet: http://tinyurl.com/mmknh66

  4. Just noticed my bae won first prize in the contest. If I wasn't STILL banned from teamspeak, I would congratulate you properly. Sorry

    1. Sneaky


      She quit the server and her computer is like trashed. But I do agree your ban is dumb

  5. Goblins..........

  6. Can someone explain to me what an "edgy" character is

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Temp


      Because some people take what's said on a minecraft fantasy roleplayer server to heart.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      Usually it means 'characters I don't like', though I generally think of it as people who are over-the-top villainous. Cannibals, cultists, etc. Though such characters are not always edgy or bad.

    4. CTap


      @temp - what you said. A+

  7. Cant wait! Turning 14 next month!! Wooooo!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JtPv


      Congrats, but I mean, who would WANT to get older? I mean...bills, taxes....romance... tough stuff man.

    3. CTap


      Maybe it will be a... mystery...

    4. Eleatic
  8. People make the silliest ban reports nowadays

  9. Im still banned from ts... lol wtf

  10. I cant connect to the server..?

  11. Is the server down?

  12. bestiality... lol

    1. SirSnowMan


      is not good in goddanistan's eyes

    2. youlovesocks


      ctap cum back 2 me

  13. Whats wrong with ts?

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. Austin


      it's being worked on behind the scenes

  14. Why come back?

  15. My 12th birthday is tomorrow!

    1. Aislin


      happy burfday

    2. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      Happy birthday for tomorrow because I will forget because I'm not even sure who you are.

    3. Lykos


      Happy birthday for tomorrow because I will not forget because I love you and always will.

  16. Guys, quit trolling! People are trying to do super intense minecraft fantasy roleplaying that needs 110% concentration.

  17. "and potential pugsy." lol wtf



      I don't think people know what that means anymore

    2. Guest


      Pug.sy; Noun - The act of massacring everyone in a certain area. To Pugsy properly one must begin by saying, "Walk through the door, Get on the floor, everyone walk the dinosaur." And then proceed to watch everyone burn. Results in permanent ban.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Result(2): Hilarity

  18. So, when can I start down voting posts again?

  19. What an exciting day it was today, huh?

    1. V0idsoldier


      My day was depressing, everyone owned me :((

    2. Hanrahan


      Void you crybabby

    3. Hanrahan
    1. Geo


      Heyull yeah, you know wut those sheep like, yo

    2. Aislin


      haha you know how to treat zezimus correctly

    3. SirSnowMan
  20. That ctap kid is the worst.

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