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- Aether VIP -
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Everything posted by Fireheart

  1. GM team is looking for more members. Apply now! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/29-game-team/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vaynth


      aaaaaaahh. We have less than 10 members you guys have an army. I surrender. ;-;

    3. Panashea


       I did and you put me on hold until people left the team.  Tell me if I'm accepted or denied ?

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      Oh so we're back to doing this now?

  2. The date will be pushed back to next weekend for the 14th. Reason being it is now Wednesday and I would prefer giving a heads up to people ontop of the fact CBs take time to go through. I will be connecting party leaders to the war discord later on this week to go through the CBs. Edit: Do note the Elven v. Orc warclaim is on hold at the moment. Contact party leaders from both sides for further details!
  3. Approved, Defender victory.
  4. There are already two warclaims scheduled for this weekend so this one will get pushed back a week to the new proposed date of July 7th. I will be making the war discord channels for this warclaim later on in the week once the other two warclaims are sorted.
  5. Warclaim has defaulted to a surrender. Attacker victory.
  6. I'll be remaking the war chat tomorrow morning.
  7. Warclaim will begin discussion this weekend towards the later end of Sunday. We already have two warclaims this weekend so this one will be pushed back for the following week. Update Sunday: Warchats will open tomorrow morning.
  8. Defenders please contact me on Discord at Fireheart#0001
  9. Leaders of Curon please message me on Discord at Fireheart#0001
  10. CB's have been approved and set date has been posted for the 9th of June.
  11. Okay, so this either seems like some very poor roleplay or some targeting due to ooc bickering. Looking through logs this tile is not touching anything at all other than an event site and the shrine. You can see that the region it would have to be in is on the left to the shrine. Sorting through the some 99 pages of logs there is like five pages of RP and the rest is OOC chat or bickering. There has not been sufficient roleplay in that perspective to have the building be given a notice to leave. Freebuild takeover denied.
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