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- Aether VIP -
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Everything posted by Fireheart

  1. If you join the GM team we will give you a free plot of land in the freebuild area! Appppply now! :D

    1. Nummy


      You know my terms. 

  2. Interested in helping the server? Consider applying for GM! "We are basically the best staff team on the server." - Blago.

  3. The GM Team is looking for more Trials. If you believe you got what it takes to be a GM, go ahead and apply!

  4. If you have issues concerning your blacklist please contact the GM Director as I feel it was deserved and not wrongful in any sense. Your appeal may be placed again in 13 days.
  5. Server is back up!

  6. McName(s): MinionManXD Why he/she is blacklisted: Providing poor villainy roleplay. Powergaming. (Staff can PM me for additional information). Conditions of blacklist (temporary, permanent, until appeal, etc.): Temporary. 4 weeks, able to be appealed in 2 weeks.
  7. Interested in being a GM? Apply!

  8. Looking for new additions to the GM team. If you are interested apply today!

  9. Congratulations! 

  10. A young man would see the notice and send off a letter to Neci Vincrute. "Good afternoon Neci, I would be very much interested in viewing the troll skull that you mentioned. Please send me a letter back if you are interested and provide a location and time we could meet.
  11. As a reminder please do not post unless you are a party leader or overseeing moderator. Further post will result in warning points being given out!!!
  12. Several comments have been hidden that were posted by people who are not party leaders. Please, only party leaders posting on this thread to provide easy organization and communication. Thank you!
  13. As a final warning unless you are a party leader do not post on this thread. Locked in place we have Cruz and i_am_Ricky who stand as the current leaders. Further posting on this thread if you are not a party leader will result in a warning point.
  14. Final call! Post a trial gm app now if you are interested. We start our selection process today!

  15. If you are considering or on the fence of applying to be a trial gm, do so now! The trial selection process will be kicking off tomorrow evening!

  16. Server will be down in Dev mode for a short period of time while we address an issue. Apologies for any inconveniences.

  17. What if LotC was a collaborative Minecraft roleplay experience? o.o

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ski_king3


      I want to play collaboratively but everyone wants to make somebody else frown :c

    3. Summorox


      What if i wasn't a loser? 0.0                                      :(

    4. mmat


      Imagine if the current admins werent weak cuckolds getting bummed by coders x33

  18. "I'm related to him!"
  19. Mcname(s): Lesbomancy Why he/she is blacklisted: N/A Conditions of blacklist (temporary, permanent, until appeal, etc.): One month duration without the option of an appeal.
  20. Makes sense in RP as it would in real life. The proper RP has taken place so there should be no reason for an OOC restriction in this case. An example would be if three countries were at war. Country one wouldn't wait for country two to attack country three. They would both attack at the same time for the best result. In regards to two warclaims causing more lag, you are absolutely incorrect. Infact, two warclaims at the same time will make things run more smoothly. This is due to the way Minecraft is coded, with less players in one specific area or in view distance of one another less packets will be sent and therefore the network won't be as bogged down.
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