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    ask in rp
  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. I'm actually sorta triggered about this. I don't have a high opinion of drfate, but come the **** on. I've NEVER seen a ban report like that-- You're literally just attacking the dude, bullying him. That's absolutely disgusting. Like 75% of the screenshots have NOTHING to do with you, and you're also digging ******* YEARS in the past to try to get this guy to be banned.

    If you're tryna BR people because they think they're better than, please BR me, 'cause I KNOW that I'm better than you- I don't bully the people I dislike.


    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Space


      i'm perfectly fine with calling someone out publicly if they've harassed someone first.


      and 'the OJ simpson trial is between OJ simpson and the jury. the jury won't be looking at what others have to say, so we might as well not say anything'



    3. J


      There's a difference between a court of law, and a Minecraft roleplaying server player report.

      In the court of law, witnesses can be pulled up for statements; lawyers are involved which get a handle on every party's involvement. Etc etc.
      On here, a player report is only judged upon what is given at the 'Evidence' section of the report. So, Dohvi is only really taking the screenshots + replies to the BR as a part of the 'case'.
      These sorts of status updates won't be taken into account; nor will any flame threads, skype chats, etc. Unless the opinion has some sort of constructive appeal to it (in which case, it should be sent privately anyway) then any other opinions aren't really .. necessary. I mean, if you do want to discuss the whole situation, then it's much better to do so in a private Skype chat, or over forum messaging.

    4. Space


      nah i prefer to not insulate myself in a hugbox skype chat, but thank you for the recommendation

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