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  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. can anyone justify eating meat to me honestly think i need to be a vegan my dudes :(

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    2. Space


      "we have chemical fertilizer that can be used"

      For example, the south: Would you have accepted the argument that 'the south relies on slaves, so we can't abolish slavery here?' I don't think you would, in which I will compare the state of animals and the state of slaves, which I think have no real difference. If you see a difference, we can discuss that.



      "animals are engineered to be prey items for humans"

      This doesn't justify eating them or abusing them or enslaving them. This is a post hoc rationalization of being able to eat them. Think I'm using that correct.



      "it's our responsibility to look after them

      Just because they don't have the intelligence to see the shitty position we are putting them in doesn't justify it. Maybe they themselves seem to enjoy it, but that doesn't hold up when we look at how they are being treated compared to, say, that tribe in the Indian ocean that hasn't contacted humans and is pre-fire. That is to say, you could rationalize treating those tribespeople poorly in the same way we rationalize treating animals poorly.


      "animals are enslaved" "modern society can survive without enslaving animals" "it's easier to justify society collapsing because it's built on slavery"

      I think it is better for them to be in 'mother nature.' I would rather be out on the streets than a slave for a year. I apply that same logic to what an animal would want, because I don't see a difference between humans and other animals.



      How can you justify disliking animal cruelty yet you support the murder of animals?

      Many things are natural that we don't do, like murdering. Many things are unnatural that we do, like playing video games. That doesn't justify them, you need more.

      I think individuals could choose to be vegan without harming the whole world.

      We can survive as a species without eating meat

      And I don't see the difference. If you accept that we should be allowed to do whatever we want with animals (which is what killing them is, ultimately, isn't it? The ultimate stolen agency) then that should include torture, beating, etc.

    3. Gallic


      just put your heart back in your chest and take responsibility for your place as a human; show the animals and the earth real respect instead of absolving yourself of guilt by refusing to partake in animal products and painting everyone who does as the real villains of the story here


      the earth needs help and veganism and boycotts aren't going to cut it


      I said that earlier as another post but it didn't post so I decided to post it now since I don't have much time at the moment.

    4. Space


      I think those are completely different discussions we should have. I am not making an argument based on the earth being better, I'm making an argument based on if I'm able to justify eating meat logically, which I can't seem to without making massive concessions, like that we should be allowed to do whatever we want to severely mentally impaired humans, which I absolutely do not want to.


      I mean the best argument against it is that I'm already a pretentious ******, I don't need to add veganism to it.



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