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    ask in rp
  • Birthday 04/22/1998

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  1. are we really pretending that violating someone's privacy that hard (with malicious intent) is something ok????

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Space


      i don't really think that's much of an issue. if it was on ******* chaturbate that you were spreading the pictures it's still the same thing

    3. iris1612


      its literally in the rules guys....... its right there..........


      Spreading of personal or private information will result in a ban of six months. There will be zero warning, aside from you reading this right now.


      Harassment - obsessive, malicious or nefarious behavior directed toward another player will not be tolerated.

      This will apply to all platforms of communication and media. If clear evidence is supplied through means not directly associated with Lord of the Craft, it will still be followed up on. This includes Lord of the Craft forums, the server, and the Teamspeak - as well as - Skype, Teamspeak as a whole, Youtube, Facebook, you name it.


      It's 1 of the most clear cut rule violations I've ever seen on the server. 90% of rules don't specify how long the ban is going to be for, for the spreading of personal and private information it says 6 months specifically, and he was banned for 6 months specifically. This is one of the least defendable bans I've ever seen on lotc like its a really painfully obvious rule violation in which pyro got EXACTLY the amount of time specified for that offense. He could have gotten more for the prolonged harassment but he didn't, if anything the ban was lenient. I like pyro too, not like he isn't my friend but he deserves to be banned for this.

    4. Weabootrash


      lol the barnetts are butt hurt

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