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About Caelria

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  1. Do you consider LotC a...

    PvP Factions Server

    PvP Factions Server w/ Roleplaying Elements

    Roleplaying Server w/ PvP Factions Elements

    or a Roleplaying Server?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Traveller


      rp server with pvp elements 100%


      but tbh everyone's answer depends on what groups they involve themselves in

    3. InfamousGerman


      the world is a pvp factions server if you think about it

    4. Sorcerio


      As it stands now? I think we are a roleplay server with PvP and mechanical elements. While it's important that we have mechanics (both through lore and plugins) to smoothen out interactions and make the server more attractive, I also think we should be wary of using them as a means of entirely replacing RP. With the greater standards behind lore mechanics as well, it can also seem like it may just be easier to commit to popping someone than it is to roleplay how many blocks a spell travels after charging its velocity for 'x' emotes. Are mechanics inherently bad? No. But overbearing mechanics can result in a loss of enchantment, bewilderment, and the otherwise mystery that I, when I was a new player, thought to be so immersive and engaging. 


      That said, I think we've been much better in encouraging quality standards of RP in the previous few years, especially among new players. I've noticed a lot of new players are much more willing to take on consequences and even PK their characters given a good encounter. People want to engage in that narrative — and that's a good thing! The more we push for that sort of thing as a playerbase, the less we'll be required to hinge ourselves upon mechanical systems to drive our narrative for us. 


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