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Status Updates posted by drfate786

  1. The song that I will be playing in the background at tomorrow’s warclaim: 


    1. AlphaMoist


      I thought that got cancelled 

  2. Good game Oren, good game.

  3. Ahh.. I love waking up late for work while simultaneously having to call in sick due to a throat that feels like the fury of ten thousand sons. I actually cried from shock in the washroom and couldn’t even drink water without it burning like acid. Thinking about quitting my job at a fast food place at this point, people keep coming to work with Ebola and giving it to me. 

    1. D4NNA


      Holy **** dude, either buckle up and get over the sickness (if Money is on the line)

      or quit! … You have to watch your Health, and if you can afford to find a new job that caters to your immune system you’re better off in the long run.
      Anyways, get better soon (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑


    The master wakes.. And my dreams end.

  5. @marimbamonk https://gyazo.com/459bf8bcefe00a932bb740593a2bd62b


    Accept Nzoth’s gift, don’t complete the quest to “cure” it.. It stops you from seeing dialogue like that.

    1. drfate786


      It also blocks a whole quest chain if you have it removed most likely..

  6. @Malgonious 


    Can we make it great again?

  7. Non-Norlandic human nations in a nutshell. 


    1. Wulfery


      You say wot?

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      >anime profile picture on the channel

    3. drfate786

    Every LoTC Map Transition.

  9. Remember, it’s a crime to smirk!


  10. Happy new years..

  11. Watch this video and then look back to Thanhium:



    1. Nathan_Barnett36


      Because Harry Potter has everything to do with a minecraft roleplay explosion.

    2. antiopa


      @Nathan_Barnett36 hes 15 dont think too hard about it

  12. I’m still recruiting by the way, let me know if you want to do some spook RP and help me build a capable group.

  13. So I’m just going to say this to the empire since it has to be said. You’ve practically killed off two playerbases in two days, half of them will quit the server because of you. You are all single-handedly killing off the server and driving people away from RP. Good job, I’m sure this is what you wanted.. Enjoy the stagnation that will come after the war is over, Haense will likely be next on the chopping block of stagnation.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. drfate786


      Yes, I wanted the empire destroyed. The empire.. The empire is a notion, a concept. The kingdoms that form the empire are all independent and don’t need it, it’s that you for some reason believe that you need an emperor to be safe when you’d literally all be better off alone. As for the people in question, I want their grip on these playerbases gone. That’s not cruel or mean, it’s to say I don’t want one person controlling over half the server.

      Anyway, no point debating this. If you want to debate this message me on discord. This is starting to get 30 comments long and I don’t want you to think I’m salty. I have my opinions like any human being.

    3. Archbishop


      If you want them gone, remove them in rp. All this was done in rp, the orcs chose to create an alliance with norland and thus they got the consequences. As will Arberrang.

    4. drfate786


      Oh.. I have plans my friend. I’d ask you to join me on some different character but I doubt you’re into spook RP.

  14. Going to be starting some edgy spook group, let me know if you’re interested in joining. Going to need competent leaders.

    1. Unwillingly


      Been contemplating unshelfing my edgy character so maybe

    2. drfate786


      Message me on discord if you’re interested, going to be trying to get something new made.

    3. Suxals


      Edgy is always good... tell me if you need a holy mage to lead them all. ?

  15. Remember kids, the empire will soon fall.


    What’s this doing here?

  17. RIP Stan Lee, you were one of the best comic book creators of your time.

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