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Status Updates posted by drfate786

  1. This is my new theme song: 


  2. Contrary to popular belief, drinking bleach does NOT make your insides clean. @Narthok 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rukio


      I drank water by mistake ecks dee

    3. drfate786


      Don't worry, they put bleach in our water supplies. ;)

  3. Pro drawing tip, never incorporate life drawing into character design unless your goal is to go ultra realistic. Always draw a line of action and always have an actual picture of someone in the pose you are about to draw. Never EVER shade if there's a flaw in your drawing, that's like adding icing to an already bad cake.

    1. drfate786


      Also, draw 15 or so crude drawings in quick succession (2 minutes or less each) before drawing anything. Use pencils and paper to draw, not digital sketchpads.

    2. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      thanks for that, d fate

  4. Why is it so hard to find good quality RP these days? 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Hmm... the halfling villages don't usually have this issue, although most of the RP is between the same few Halflings over and over again 

  5. All magic comes at a price.. Unless you're on LoTC and have approved lore for it. >:(

    1. zaezae


      Yeah, it takes so much work being  a master murder knight. Like you have to type out a whole sentence to say you are!

  6. An issue with a lot of art streams I've seen on LoTC is that people never use what is referred to as a line of action. When drawing you must first make a line that will form the skeleton of your drawing. When drawing objects you must use a horizon view and must have a set of tiles made or it won't make sense visually. When filling in said drawing using a method called drawing through you must use any geometrical shape that makes sense to do so. Failure results in a poor quality drawing.

    1. drfate786


      Also, take all feedback into consideration and use it to improve your artwork. Only disregard feedback if the person mocks your artwork or acts like an overall troll. Even with mocking, if the person is only pointing out a flaw in a comedic fashion it still counts. 

  7. I'm doing an art stream if anyone wants to watch!


  8. Had my wisdom teeth pulled four days ago. I think I've contracted dry socket since my pain has only been getting worse. :(

  9. There's a new MMORPG coming out next year, check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vut1tIsfoww&t=196s

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LeoRabbit99


      People SHOULD have the ability the kill each other when they wish...though I misunderstood the system at first. And it's flagging system, not tagging, which was my mistake. Originally I thought if you killed a bunch of innocent players, you actually got weaker which is horse ****. I've recently read that you simply loose a lot more of your resources on death, which is totally acceptable.

    3. drfate786


      Yeah, plus if the player is a part of a guild they'll come to kill you. If my guild mate got killed I wouldn't be too happy about it.

    4. LeoRabbit99


      Neither would I but it doesn't mean it should be prevented.

      Definatley gonna give it a try.

  10. Wait, Sporadic's Dev app said REMOVE NEXUS! Could the legends be true? Has our savior arrived?!

  11. Apparently, the server's been downed for some mysterious reason. Anyone know why?

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      just right click it


    2. NotEvilAtAll


      I've also heard that some people fix the problem by using the direct connect.

  12. Your avatar looks like moon man decided to dye his face green and grow a brown mustache. 

  13. *Sees @Gusano Arentonio's character, kicks his crotc and breaks his nose and casually walks away as if it were nothing.*


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Shitposting on the forums and Twitter is the only way to occupy my time until the sun is up.

    3. drfate786


      Will, are you a vampire that sustains himself off of shitposts? Are you a.. Forum Vampire?

    4. Aengoth


      did someone say shitposting?

  14. Seems like Norland is the most active settlement. Veris should actually be number two in activity since that one day when they had 71 players on put them in that spot. Norland remained fairly consistent the majority of the time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Babadooks
    3. Principality Of Veris

      Principality Of Veris

      You will be warclaimed as an individual for this comment. The warclaim is you versus 71 people. Let's talk activity then ;)

    4. LatzMomo


      "You will pay for this attack on our clergy" says Artyom


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan_Barnett36


      Who even says "MWAHAHHAHAHA"?

    3. drfate786


      You just did Nathan.

    4. justDEWit


      He got you there Nathan

  16. My ancestors are smiling at me imperials, can you say the same?!

  17. You're all zoilists. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. drfate786


      You probably don't even know what that word means.

    3. cj_scout


      I feel like you only made this status to show you know that word exists. In that case,


    4. drfate786


      Seejay, if you were my wife.. I'd drink it.

  18. Roleplay engine broke.

    1. Ducklingator


      understandable have a nice day

    2. drfate786
  19. When I try to connect to the server it says I'm banned. Is the server up yet or what?

  20. Hey guys, which GM went rogue? 

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