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Status Updates posted by drfate786

  1. I'm suffering from the spectral arrow bug, I can't see anything whenever someone is hit with a spectral arrow. https://gyazo.com/3467fe10fbd30cc4efd2f77ae233c9d7

    1. Weabootrash


      reinstall minecraft probs

  2. I've had enough, I'm going to step in at this rate. I know I'm seen as a meme but I want to end this stupidity once and for all. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Heero


      Carry on, my wayward son

    3. Cracker


      Punish the dissenters.

    4. Kardel


      the master strikes again

  3. I’ll just be putting this here..



    This def has no involvement to anything once or ever..

  4. I’m still recruiting by the way, let me know if you want to do some spook RP and help me build a capable group.

  5. If any lore writers or people seeking new RP wish to help write lore on an interesting project message me.

    1. garentoft


      Hello I would like to help out.

    2. HazelH


      You can paint me interested. :3

  6. If people want to actually be rid of Oren the only way is through pure RP

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AGiantPie


      lol drfate if u assassinate the emperor he'll pk i swear

    3. Space


      would rather have oreners than flays...................

    4. MunaZaldrizoti


      lol drfate if u assassinate the emperor he'll pk i swear

      You're funny XD

  7. If the staff needs suggestions to prevent crashes like this one, all they need is to have a Q

    1. Shadeleaf


      This isn't us. Its the host.

    2. mmat


      Listen to drfate..

  8. If you have complaints about the GM team please write a feedback post with evidence of what’s wrong. You’ll probably just be ignored or they won’t explain their reasoning.

  9. Im Overpowered:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matheus


      bronze II....................

    3. Textarea


      nice bronze 2. i once carried myself to bronze 4 from bronze 5 like 2 seasons ago lol

    4. drfate786


      I managed to get to Bronze 2 in a week...my win rate is 51%

  10. In the first age, in the first battle.. When the shadows first lengthened, one stood. He chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace and with boiling blood he scoured the umbral planes seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him.. And those who tasted the bite of his sword named him.. The Yopplstomper.



  11. Insert [Orenian Salt] here.

  12. Is it a war crime to tear down a church?

  13. Is it just me or is LoTC a spinoff of LOTR.

  14. Is it just me or is youtube down?

  15. Is Oren in a civil war already?

    1. Sorcerio


      Legally they're required to say: no.

  16. Is the server down? I think something may have downed the server.

  17. Is there a reason why builds are taking so long to paste? Not looking good for the world team.

    1. rukio


      Just give me the schematic file and I'll paste it by hand u chimps 

    2. ScreamingDingo


      most pastes are 1.16 because people are stupid and don't realise we can't paste 1.16 blocks into a 1.15 server

    3. drfate786


      Good thing I'm not stupid.

  18. Is there a warclaim this saturday? Because I know it's going to crash again. 

  19. It's never Orgon, Orgon is life.. Orgon is love. Yes, you know what I'm planning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skylez


      stop while you're ahead

    3. _Jandy_


      You'll probably want to chat with an LT who is knowledgeable about Shamanism before you do anything related to Orgon.

    4. ScreamingDingo


      do it drfate, no-one can hold u back.

  20. It's time to start nailing protests to church doors. After which, we'll we'll need to make sure to go kill the Pontiff again.


    Might as well also burn lemon hill down, I heard that place has gone really sour.

  21. Johnny+Cash+was+one+of+the+best+country+singers+of+all+time+no+doubt+on+that.

    1. Birdnerdy


      in other news, water is in fact wet

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