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Status Updates posted by Eetswa

  1. Free speech is repressed, LotC is a police state.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cordial__


      Supreme Leader Kim-Thus Ty doesn't allow it.

    3. Runabarn


      This has never been a democracy or anything.

    4. Sythan


      Speech of Star Wars spoilers is repressed!!

  2. Two dads living in the same neighborhood wrestle to decide who is the strongest in the block. The only way to win is to submit or tap out. NO MERCY WRESTLING! 

  3. The company takes what the company wants, meet out the back of IGA and I'll kick your ******* head in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raomir


      shut up radovan **** hair

    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
    4. Hiebe


      The dwarves, so salty to their own players

  4. Rest in peace Michael 'Yimmya' Brown, another victim that didn't truly do anything.

    1. FORƎST
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      The Holy, the Righteous, The Yimmya, gone but never forgotten. Rest in pieces.

  5. A bunch of young men all dressed in black dancing extremely aggressively on stage, it made me feel so intimidated and it's just not what I expect to see on prime time TV.

  6. Doesn't matter what they're saying, it's straight fire.
    1. Ford


      why do you keep smelling that pizza

  7. Have you seen Game of Thrones?

  8. Iraq has WMD's

  9. Iraq has WMD's

  10. keep it ryothing!

  11. Da Kirkja Dverga is having a sermon at the temple above Kal'Akash for all Dwarf's (or anyone else) that wishes to come along for this!

  12. GrimReaper98 is the culprit.

    1. Jygg


      Damn it Grim.

  13. drfate, what is your opinion on the dwarf civil war? and do you think Oren should have one?

    1. Kralek


      Already dead lol. My whole side was banned by I_am_Ricky.

    2. Eetswa


      The whole of Christendom will be awed by the victory Skippy has won here today!

  14. keep it ryothing!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShameJax


      Just.... no... just...

    3. Koger


      Go burn in Canada.

    4. oblivionsbane


      Good thing they have those costumes on. I'd hate to see them without them.

  15. what is ausbrig?

  16. what is ausbrig?

  17. can't connect to the server because I changed my username and it can't verify it or something. Correct procedure here?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mitto


      if you log in using your username it may not work, if you've got your minecraft account migrated try logging in with your email address

    3. Eetswa


      alright thank ye

    4. Eetswa


      aight fixed it, cheers fellas

  18. Menarra vs TDFootball, is everyone hyped for cyberbowl?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Aislin


      menarra "dongborn" darkblade will surely prevail

    3. Anderssn


      What is hype may never die....

    4. Pureimp10


      inb4 deleted

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