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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. oh great... prepare for status updates asking for a crash

  2. Today I don't even.

  3. join da halflings. We got twoo things other races don't, Nukes and Shovels

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. IrishPerson


      MrGreene has nukes. And I want to make a halfling but y'all are EST.

    3. dude


      A Halfling's Life Fer Me..

  4. make a halfling babes

  5. Bored? Make a Halfling ;)

  6. The halfling-fest was great. Thanks to the untags, and to everyone who showed up, hope you all had fun :)

    1. Shadeleaf


      We flipped a coin, it landed on "Don't destroy everything"

    2. Kaiser
  7. You guys should make some Halflings characters.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      I did, then she got eaten by a troll.

    3. Kitten


      Sure but i will eat them!

    4. K00l


      Pfft. When my char went on a Halfling adventure.. We literally blew up three trolls. Then I crashed.

  8. I'm not afraid of the stupid ban reports, or appeals, I'm afraid of he fact they get so much support

    1. Rissing


      Generally yes..

      Or the mass hysteria they leave behind..

  9. Halfling 4.0 looks good; shift is burning down the other cities for us while tutus spawns diamonds and rittsy sings beautiful music

  10. does LOTC has minotaurs?


  12. the fact people who cybered are allowed back is a bit scary, but I see why. I think this will backfire, though....

    1. Ivran


      It's really not a huge offence.

    2. Emenzi


      Why would it backfire? They made a misstake and now they are allowed a second chance.

    3. Heff


      *Gets cybered immediately

  13. I guess fate doesn't want Bircalin to live ear us

  14. I guess I'm the onlyone on the server....

  15. is it just me or did all the guides for the halflings disappear/got un-stickied?

  16. We get these ugly old hat colors but the admins keep the nice red. Riot, I say.

    1. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Remove Admins. Establish military junta.

  17. Telarear's the cooliest of all staff just saying

    1. dank


      Billy Bob the Knight of Oren for life.

  18. Do you need a mic on TS or is it also text? I don't use it so....

    1. Danny


      You don't need a mic, has a text window also. You can still listen to people too.

    2. Kaiser


      thanks Danny, just the answer I wanted :p

    3. monkeymo14


      its also text!

  19. Possibly just had the worst RP ever on lotc, even worse than when I was a newbie and sucked at rp. I need a hug :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      *Would hug you but doesn't want to give you the sicks.*

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      *dodges your hugs and stabs you in the chest with a trident*

    4. Archbishop


      Just possible had some of the most trolly roleplay filled with splotches of meta and powergame here and there...

      ((Ps Minor va, do not break you're own va bio by trying to steal valuable items.))

  20. TIP: Go look at Drazker's topic it'll make you happy :3

    1. AgentSunny


      <3 u - <3 drazker

  21. Cool, I'm no longer a total tophat but an old hat. Yeah.

    1. Lago


      Old Hat is a much cooler rank.

    2. Kaiser


      No I agree, I wasn't being sarcastic. I'd never wear a new hat, only old ones.

  22. Just bought 'Don't Starve' and 'Papers please' for only $10... I love steam

  23. Steam's EATING MY MONEY

    1. monkeypoacher


      Oh god someone shoot it. IT HAS A TASTE FOR HUMAN CURRENCY

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