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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Demotheus

  1. ((is this book rply available in a place such as Dragur Library at Cloud Temple?))
  2. Let me know what you think of my suggestion just above your reply here, please. ?
  3. Hey I have a fun suggestion. Edit the teaching redline to mean only people who have TAs in their voidal magic can teach their applicable spells in household magic. The user than makes a feat app or whatever for those spells and the teacher signs off saying it be kosher. Else who will be the first "masters" of domestic magic who mean to teach others it's art. Especially since it says you can't know spells you weren't taught.
  4. Alright I actually finished reading this entire thread now. First thing’s first; insults do not make your argument better, they make it worse and only serve to escalate a shitstorm. With that said... Mina’s depiction of what happened – and I’m going to assume that for the most part it’s accurate – would leave me as satisfied as I really could be with the situation. This is coming from someone who LOATHES PvP as it is currently on LotC. Even if Bepis hadn’t stepped up to end the bullshit arguments that were happening and the orcs wound up slaughtering nearly everyone I assume they’d have laid out the same offer regardless. Everything seems like it was justified in that sense. It is true that the 10+ rule doesn’t apply like you assumed it does, Mina. But that’s a minor issue which is easily corrected, as someone already mentioned earlier. Honestly, it’s been years man. Magic. Plugin. When? Likely not for a long time if ever cause the dev team bailed. **** I’d be happy with mages being able to run a command to give them items like a bow, arrows depending on their magic tier or type of magic. Maybe give them certain enchantments or effects, and armor. Why should we have to buy or make armor for an OOC reason of being prepared for PVP? It’d be super easy. Some magics might have specific stuff, but **** it man. It’d at least make it feel slightly more like mages actually have a shot without having to grind or buy iron or make weapons that they’ll never use ICly. Just a representation of their abilities as a mage. And soulbind those items so people can’t just basically dupe arrows n **** lol. Figure out a decent cool down or other system so that you can’t just spam the command and maybe have the items expire after a certain time all together so you can’t stack them. Probably expire after the cool down ends. Which shouldn’t be more than like 30 minutes, except perhaps in times of war. Maybe I should just make a separate thread for that idea. But Mina, assuming what you said is even mostly correct, that is indeed it, chief. For how PvP is currently, that is it. That’s how you fuckin’ do it. As for that other guy who said “logs can be altered”, he was referring to logs which caused a GM to see fit to teleport the “ninja olog” back, which probably means the gm saw the logs themselves by running their gm command or whatever, and agreed it was bullshit. In that case it’s pretty strong evidence.
  5. Bad role-players definitely gravitate to magic. But bad role players also gravitate to PVP. And the worst part about this vicious cycle is that no one ever gives anyone a chance to improve and prove they’ve improved. You’re a mage? I don’t know for sure if you’ve got a good reputation? PVP. That said, the one thing about this is, isn’t this defender default? And above that isn’t it guard default for the issue in Sutica that Tri brought up?
  6. People talk about edgy self insert mages power gaming and **** and min maxing or whatever as a defense for PvP default unironically ignoring thst PvP relies entirely on mechanical PvP relies entirely on ooc skills that have little to do with rp. "but they like that their PvP makes a rp impact!" By basically grinding their skill in PvP so thst they can beat anyone who doesn't while claiming they do it because people who rp combat refuse to die. That's some funny wording right there and it's commonly used. The problem is that most PvPers refuse to die as well when they combat rp but decide to blame the mage who by all means should be able to **** them up pretty confidently if they play smart. Hypocricy all around.
  7. Yours is just the most recent comment about this. But I just want to add to it in case someone is confused or misinterpreting it. Perhaps I am, myself. It's fine for your character to min max. If that's what they would do and they have compelling reasons to do so. It's fine for them to live their whole lives around magic too. A character can decide to define themselves by magic and that may be the first impression they wish to present to others. Oocly however you shouldnt define your character by the magic they use. Oocly you should know there's more to them than magic and it should inform what they do. If a character is driven largely by magic, magic itself shouldn't be the reason they're driven by magic. Ie: magic because magic because magic. I worry that people will read this sort of comment and decide that mages who are super passionate in character about their magic or magic in general are trash rather than what the comments assumable mean which is if you were to ask oocly who their character is and the player struggles to say more than "they uh like magic?" thst is a sign of a bad mage PLAYER.
  8. Mana and life force are both "soft" resourses anyway. Thank ******* christ for that, too, because that would make it that muhh more useless compared to the swordsman that seems to barely show fatigue over a thousand ******* emotes.
  9. Part of the problem with magic is the fact that mages feel entitled to awesome power because at the end of the day they have a fuckton of stupid restrictions that may or may not make sense. Mage weakness? Sure. I’ll bite one. Especially since it’s at least now very well defined and not a “mages are noodles” situation. But magic takes a lot of “focus” which mechanically translates to people being unable to move or dodge or they’ll automatically lose focus and can’t continue casting their spell? That’s so stupid. Unless it’s some ritual or /super/ intense spell being cast, it should be easy to move fairly quickly, dodge ****, while casting like half the spells a magic is capable of. Like T3 and under. But people throw fits about it. *Charge small fire bolt.* *Charge small fire bolt, almost ready to cast!! (yo in what world does charging a handful of fire take so long for?) *Someone forces you to dodge or move quickly to avoid an attack. Fire ball makes fart sound and disappears. * “Uh, uh. Okay, it’s fine!” *Starts again* *gets ******* stabbed. Can’t cast for the rest of the fight, plus is weaksauce so can barely fight as it is.* it’s stupid. Beyond stupid. And it sucks. It really feeds into the tendency for players to min-max their magic because guess what? Everyone who doesn’t use magic min-maxes their character already. They just throw it in their backstory that they trained with the sword, and the bow, and the warhammer, and the mace, and basically can fight and do everything super well and has the best aim and the best reflexes. Meanwhile mages historically need to spend like 3 months learning their magic – and god forbid their teacher is inactive or something. As it stands now, a tier system is the standard. And you have to be allowed to progress to the next tier by your teacher. Problem with this is if your actual learning of spells isn’t going as quickly, teacher goes inactive for a bit, etc. You can’t progress at all, not even one of the biggest parts of learning magic which is to be able to become “stronger”. Realistically you should be able to be “Tier 3” but if you put the time in but weren’t also being taught new things about the magic you should be able to cast at the level of a higher tier just fine. Least that’s how I’ve understood it. There’s so much wrong with combat RP itself that it handicapps magic. Nothing is really regulated outside of powergaming which is so vaguely defined on a case by case basis that it only serves to create arguments between players if you call someone out for doing something past what should be the limits. How much time is an emote really? Is it a range of time? Anywhere from 1 second to five seconds? How far can you move in that time? Can you feasibly make multiple strikes on someone in one emote? A lot of real life fighting involves overwhelming your opponent with fast and strong blows and movements. In LOTC it’s just made harder because nothing is defined. When someone (like me) suggests implementing a decent but simple combat system it’s shot down because “this ain’t dnd, boomer.” Doesn’t need to be, zoomer, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have structure. Every bit of extra structure it can have will reduce the ooc bickering and debating exponentially. /endrant
  10. So technically saying “I’m a white guy” is breaking the rules on the forums and in game? Sounds like the sort of rule that is so vague it can be applied as liberally or conservatively as wanted by the whims of whoever decides they do or don’t like a particular person. Stupid rule. Fix it. Satire shouldn’t be banned, especially when the satire was at LEAST now low effort “le random dark elf nearby says whatever in response to some nonsense they shouldn’t have any knowledge of anyway.”
  11. It’s not so much about having power over time so much as it is about having complete dominion over the concept. It’d be ludicrous for an aenguel to have dominion over time like that, however if Metzli had the power to manipulate the flow of time and see the past but wasn’t needed in order for time to continue to function/flow it’d be fine. There are plenty of aengueldaemons that don’t NEED to do anything, they just WANT to. IE: There doesn’t need to be a deity for a concept like purity or justice. It’s arbitrary. These concepts don’t exist BECAUSE of those figures, those figures chose to represent them, though. Then it’s just a question of why Metzli does what she does in the first place. Why time? A fascination with it? How it flows? how it affects things? Who knows. I’m not writing this lore so I won’t do much more thinking on it than that. Got other things to write xD
  12. Slave rights? Slaves can become honorary orcs? There’s a step by step instruction manual for them to do so? Even if their Master doesn’t want them to do so it’s still possible? 

    Didn’t know orcs were so progressive, wow. 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      progressive slavery. mah boi Liam would be proud

    2. Porkgasm


      There needs to be. Some folks are too immature to properly own a slave in RP. Some folks are just weird. Znaga owners need to be reminded that the slaves are not THEIR slaves, but property of the Goi, and the community.

    3. Demotheus


      “But boss, I got it on me own, why you get to own it!?!?!?”

  13. If anyone is following this and wondering “Why hasn’t he made any updates!? WAS IT ALL A LIE!? HAS HE GIVEN UP!?” I have an answer. Also TL;DR read at the bottom...i’m bad at tl’dr’s though. sorry. The more I tried to organize the information in my head into written format that matches the criteria the more I realized it’d be a ridiculous thing to actually have to write out. So I’m coming up with a FAR SIMPLER system which sacrifices NONE or at least very very little of the freedom and creativity Illusion is known for...and perhaps buffing it in that regards in certain circumstances! It stems largely from having to detail combat stuff vs non combat stuff so specifically. However, I’ve done a LOT of thinking and am currently in the process of working out and writing out a system that will make this process far easier, far faster and far simpler for everyone involved. Right now people are probably raising their eyebrows at this tier system I have laid out. I don’t know if I’m going to completely remove it or not yet, but I might. And If it stays it will be far more simple. Currently Illusion is a very complicated and versatile magic when you think about it. It’s got all of these psychological aspects because at it’s core it is a psychological magic. However – apart from the intense vagueness of the currently accepted lore and lack of examples or instructions like emote times – it’s not particularly difficult to use on a practical level. So, at the very least this means that the draft will be finished a lot more quickly, will involve a lot less reading and volume of information, be able to be played just as or almost as easily as it currently plays, and headaches will not ensue from anyone, and if accepted I think will actually make Illusion a lot more fun for a lot of people. The main thing I’m referring to right now is basically making it so that illusions cast with inconsequential intent will be granted a metric butt ton of freedom, require less thinking, be less limited in just about every aspect, etc. While illusions cast with a more obvious intent such as manipulation, deception, etc. will – while still being just as free as it is now – need to be thought about more carefully with regards to things like mana use, focusing, etc. This includes most applications of combat as well. However, certain spells will definitely be specifically combat spells. But overall this saves me from having to define **** the way I’ve defined it in the Illusory disguise spell I’ve written up. In other words; I’m definitely going to make Illusion “Great again”, @LorelessPuddleMancer ?
  14. Oh hey, just wondering. I knew from way back when that there were frost witches that kept their hair color, like Cappy. One of the OG’s. Ginger. Didn’t see too many dark haired ones. Maybe they just dyed it or something but I doubt it. So how hardline are the restrictions for the hair color (the white/silver/blue)?
  15. Alright, lots of work done today. A lot of streamlining to my process of what information to include and where to put it as well as figuring out the god awful forum formatting ****. Gonna get some sleep for the next 5 hours and keep working ASAP. This is basically top priority for me right now. so fret not.
  16. Went to movies with my partner last night and lo and behold the god damned power went out while we were gone. Screaming. Just absolutely ******* screaming, man! No fear, no worries. I’ll just work on it through the day. Waited till like ******* midnight and decided it wasn’t coming back anytime soon and opted to go pass out. Which I suppose is not a total loss given my crippling sleep debt rivals my credit card debt....LOL So, I’m pounding the keyboard now.
  17. Due to various and valid excuses reasons this is still not completely finished. I KNOW everything that needs to go into it, I just need to write it so that it fits the format and requirements. After the time of posting this I will continue to work on it until a rough draft is completed. Ideally I can get it done in a couple hours but if I can’t it will be finished by this time tomorrow. Which is about 8AM EST for me. Perhaps apart from the Origin which will be finished last as it’s the least important and won’t diverge much if at all from the current existing origin. Probably. Then throughout the next month I can fix any issues brought up and make it prettier as well, as per the draft process. So please for the love of the four brothers look at this LAST if I can’t be granted the additional time I need. I never got an answer to that question in discord, after all! And make no mistake; I’ve done all the mental gymnastics and have a bunch of stuff jotted in notes and such. I don’t need to figure out any concepts or anything like that, I just need to write it properly. So refrain from feedback if you can until it’s done. I’ll post a reply below when that’s done. Also, a lot of these beefy sections are getting TL;DR bare bones summary veeeery soon. I’ll be saving edits as I continue working on this fairly frequently. A lot of this stuff is just...extra explanation that I felt the ungodly need to hammer out and believe it or not, was way longer. I write through a stream of thought method which lends me to getting carried away with a specific thing. Updated Nov. 10, 2019 @04:30AM Eastern Standard Time. Updated Nov. 10, 2019 @07:15AM Eastern Standard Time. Updated Nov. 12, 2019 @06:15AM Eastern Standard Time. Hypnotic Illusion Origin WIP Magic Explanation Hypnotic Illusion – often and historically referred to as Sensory Illusion – is the art of manipulating either what one perceives as reality, meddling with the way a person’s mind interprets their senses, or even meddling with their subconscious sense of self. Illusion is powerful and versatile and the possibilities of what this school of magic can accomplish are nearly - if not completely - limitless! An Illusionist draws their powers from the void as all Arcane magics do. Illusion does not create things on the physical plane the way that other magics tend to do and thus uses markedly less mana than most other magical studies. Illusion is very much a force of the Illusionists mental fortitude and in exchange for the lesser drain on the Casters magical energies an Illusionist is beholden to a greater requirement of focus. Where relevant you can easily read the “Without the Fluff” sections as their related spoiler contents are wordier explanation as well as general fluff. The Study of Psychology and Perception Hypnotic Illusion is not the study of the physical so much as it is the study of the cerebral. Whereas a Fire Evocationist must learn everything they can about the properties of fire, how it behaves, how it is made, so on and so forth; an aspiring Illusionist must learn the mechanisms of the mind in order to be successful in their craft. They must understand the nature of the subconscious, how living creatures and Descendants come to perceive reality, and the importance of expectations and believability with regards to forging a quality Illusion in the mind of another. For an Illusionist to truly master their craft they must, on a deep and intrinsic level, understand how an individual’s psychology influences how they perceive things. The illusionist must learn to master their knowledge and understanding of these complex concepts and use them against the minds of those they seek to manipulate if they ever hope to call themselves a true Master in their own right. It takes far more than mastering the ability to cast an Illusion to be able to fool anybody from a rodent to the wisest minds in all the realm. Psychological Stuff; Without the Fluff -Hypnotic Illusion works directly in the subconscious mind, and that is also where perception occurs. One sees not with their eyes but with their mind. -Certain basic things in the magic work or are aided because of mechanisms of the mind and these mechanisms can be further exploited to certain degrees. -As long as it follows expectations, natural laws, and the range of plausible occurrences of the world in role play an illusion will be perceived. -With hypnotic illusions; it doesn’t matter if you consciously think or believe something is an illusion. The subconscious must be convinced. This means saying “I know that’s an illusion!” will do nothing to combat the illusion, unless perhaps if the illusionist laughs too hard at you for being ignorant and loses focus. Even if the illusionist tells you something is an illusion this is still not enough. The subconscious mind plays a “better safe than sorry” card each and every time unless the illusion is completely absurd, or doesn’t make sense. -Mechanisms of the mind such as the placebo effect allow interaction to various degrees such as being able to hold and manipulate an illusion without fingers passing through it, causing reactions to certain illusions that can simulate a certain degree of force such as being punched, shoved, or being hit by a projectile but can only do so to a limited degree and can’t cause you to be knocked over because of the illusion. Essentially, think the worst possible automatic reaction you can have to a jump scare. -For the placebo effect, more complicated effects can occur such as sleep, or passing out, weakness, vomiting, etc. However, a rule of thumb is that you can’t just snap your fingers and make it happen unless you’ve somehow made them swallow that belief hook, line and sinker. The more time spent building up the expectation and belief that something will happen, the more likely that thing is to actually happen. Casting Illusion The magical Illusionist and the mundane Hypnotist share much in common with each other: they possess some capability to alter the minds of one or more individuals, they use surprisingly similar methods to achieve this, they must possess a strong working knowledge of psychology as it pertains to those they are trying to influence, and most people are completely mystified by what they do! So, what are the key differences between the Illusionist and the Hypnotist? Chiefly; The Illusionist uses magic while the Hypnotist uses mundane methods. Secondly; the Hypnotist requires a certain degree of open mindedness and consent from their subjects while an Illusionist needs no such thing and utilizes the power of the Void and Mana to brute force their illusory suggestions into the perception and minds of their subjects who, more often than not, are either unwilling or unknowing of the Illusionist’s influence and are typically better described as victims. To cast any illusion the caster must connect to the void, and then create mana threads, strengthen them if deemed necessary, and then connect them either indiscriminately through broadcasting or to specific people through targeting. Whenever the Illusionist decides what they wish to do they will take their idea and feed it into the mind of their target(s) in the form of illusory suggestions. If the Illusionist has made their illusions properly the mind’s of their target(s) will begin to perceive them, whether in the form of a simple and quick illusion, a more lengthy and dynamic combination of illusions, or anything in between. While it seems simple enough from this summary, there are many moving parts involved that must be understood. It should be noted that, in the context of Illusion, words such as “Dynamic” refers to the ability to change the characteristics of an illusion at will as well as an illusions ability to respond to things not directly in control of the illusionist which primarily include interactions with other players or player controlled objects/entities, but can include just about anything else that would require the illusion to “react” or otherwise change. Illusory Suggestions Illusory Suggestions; Without The Fluff -Basically an idea in the mind made for the purpose of creating an illusion. Tends to be symbolic - as if one were just imagining something - but can even be descriptive thoughts. -The mind of the person perceiving the suggestion generates their interpretation, the illusionist does not picture in realistic detail the illusion and then send that into the minds of others. That’d be ridiculous and nothing short of a deity is capable of that mental capacity. -This does not change how Illusion is role-played as far as focus requirement is concerned. It’s simply a more plausible and realistic explanation than being a human virtual reality CGI simulation machine. Experience Experience; Without The Fluff -Think how an artist uses experience to create works of art that aren’t real. Often complete fantasy, but as long as it follows some basic rules of reality there is no issues. In this way, an illusionist does not have to experience the specific thing they are trying to replicate. They can piece things together. -An illusionist can stretch an experience, however the more intense an illusion is the more they have to draw on their own experience. Pain such as from stabbing or severe burns is not something that can be replicated through patchwork, and must have been experienced first hand. However, sight and sound is far easier to do this with. -Generally speaking, the more knowledge someone has about a specific illusion’s real counterpart; the more likely they are able to spot flaws with it. Tethering and Mana Threads Tethering and Mana Threads; Without the Fluff -Tethering is the standard method of casting illusions. -Tethering is done by reaching out with mana threads to connect to one or more people and serves as a one way connection for sending illusory suggestions. -Mana threads are intangible, ethereal, and invisible, except in specific circumstances detailed later. -Creating/strengthening mana threads serve as primary driving force behind determining emote counts. -Mana threads do not require line of sight to create or connect to others and can pass through barriers to do this, though doing so comes with extra limitations detailed in the next sections. This never grants the caster knowledge of the existence of people, their actions/movements, or locations. The caster can connect to people without knowing they’re connected to them. -Rule of Thumb is that the more powerful/high tier the illusion is; the stronger the mana thread must be to reliably pass such information along. Focus requirement scales directly with strength. -Can be specifically targeted or broadcasted in a radius around the caster. Targeted Targeted; Without the Fluff -Initial line of sight required. Sustained line of sight not required. Can reach targets through things like bushes, transparent objects, other people, but not through walls or obstructions that would prevent you from a visual of the target(s). -Can target as many people as the caster wishes while excluding those they don’t wish to perceive the illusion. -If target was tethered already and steps behind a barrier of some kind the tether does not completely fail however the illusions follow the same rules as in Broadcasting and can no longer be directly affected by illusions as they could before. Broadcasting: The Web of Lies Broadcasting: The Web of Lies; Without the Fluff -Line of sight not required, nor the ability to make line of sight. -Threads can pass through barriers of all kinds of barriers. -Illusions are limited when unable to make line of sight such as through walls. -Illusionist does not need to have knowledge of a person’s existence or location in order to connect to them, however connecting to people through walls or that you cannot see does not grant you knowledge of the person, their location, what they’re doing, etc. -Works by forming a web, connecting people with mana threads. -No extra emote time requirement for #RP chat range, but 1 added emote required for #S chat range. -If an illusionist can draw a straight line between themselves and a given person there are few limitations to their illusions save for its real life counter part. -If an illusionist cannot draw a straight line in this way Sight and Sound remain the most vivid, however lack intensity enough for blinding lights and deafening sounds. Touch, Scent, and Taste are primarily atmospheric in nature. Smell of smoke, rumbling earth, taste of blood in the air, etc. etc. Backfiring and Shattered Illusions Backfiring and Shattered Illusions; Without the Fluff -When a hypnotic illusion completely fails or “shatters” it will “backfire” on the caster. -To shatter an illusion one must convince their subconscious that it is false to remove it from their perception. -It takes more than conscious thought to shatter an illusion and must be tested. However, testing is not always so easy. As a rule of thumb the illusion must be tested in a way that causes it to violate certain natural and expected laws. -When an illusion does shatter it will send a short wave of feedback along the mana threads from the person(s) who shattered it to the illusionist, briefly revealing them for their trickery. -Depending on how many illusions or how high level their illusions are cast at when this occurs, this can cause flaws in their other illusions or - if they are casting at the edge of their focus limits - can cause one or more illusions to completely fail all together. -Note that an illusion that fails due to a break in focus of the caster or casters decision does not count as shattering. The Hypnotist’s Boon The Hypnotist’s Boon; Without the Fluff -Allows hypnotic illusions to be far easier across the board. Redlines for belief and such barely apply. Effort required for even complicated illusions can be nearly negligible. Caster doesn’t need to worry about things like mana use and focus, or even believability all that much. This is for fun, or for illustration purposes. -Applies to illusions that are inconsequential. Is paying attention to this illusion a detriment in any meaningful way? Are you trying to pass the illusion off as anything more than an illusion? If the answer to either is yes, Hypnotist’s Boon doesn’t apply. -Can easily be ignored if someone doesn’t want to experience it. They will technically still perceive it, but it’ll be muffled. Sight becomes more transparent, less detailed. Sound becomes more akin to background noise - as if you’ve tuned something out. -When casting the caster must OOCly state that these are illusions under Hypnotist’s Boon and can be ignored in the above fashion if they choose so. Spell Types Most - if not all - illusions can be categorized into three types; Glamours, Figments, and Phantasms in order from least to most mana usage, focus requirement, and overall difficulty to cast or learn - assuming they’re cast at the same level. They’re usually learned in this order, though they can technically be learned in any order that’s desired. Glamours and Figments are fairly similar to each other in that they change what is being perceived while Phantasms alter perception in a far more invasive manner, delving into the subconscious and automatic mechanisms of the mind, to alter how things are perceived and even manipulating parts of the sense of self itself. Spell Types; Without the Fluff -Glamours alter perception of that which already exists and generally require the least mana/focus of all spell types. -Glamours require an object as a perceptual “anchor”, though this object can be radically changed to be perceived as completely different from it’s original in all aspects. -Figments are illusions which have/require no perceptual “anchor”. They can be single senses such as sound or sight or any combination of senses to create an illusory object of any sort. -Figments generally require more mana/focus than Glamours of the same tier. -Phantasms alter internal perception such as sense of self by inserting false emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, mental images, etc. as well as directly manipulating sensory processing. -Phantasms generally require the most mana/focus of all spell types, though the range is wide depending on what is doing. -Phantasms will require more mana/focus as the potency of the spell increases. Ie; A vague or light feeling vs a specific/strong one. A mild sensory processing manipulation vs inversions or complete shutdown of a sense. -Phantasms of a mid-tier or higher level cannot be broadcasted and have a maximum limit of 3 different people at a time. Spells/Abilities Due to the nature of Illusion there is a virtually limitless number of spells that can be cast and as such it’s difficult to pin down each and every possibility. Furthermore, in combat or out of combat spells are also difficult to define in a concrete way as anything in reality can be used in a combative way and Illusion’s main focus is the alteration of the perception of reality. It can change the perception of the real as well as completely fabricate things that do not exist which means that pinning these things down into such categories becomes a herculean feat of mental gymnastics that over complicate things where the goal of the Lore Games is the opposite. Effectively, no spell in illusion will be made impossible to cast or continue casting due to “combat” being in effect. With that in mind, I will be treating many spells as spell archetypes and the mechanisms of that will be described in the Mechanics section of each listed spell. The redlines detailed previously for the three spell types will also be restated in the spoiler below as they will generally apply to all spells listed unless otherwise specified by either stating a particular redline does not apply or that additional redlines apply. Spells will be classified in their tags as either a Glamour, Figment, or Phantasm as well to avoid any confusion. I’m utilizing a “tier” system that spells can be cast at. As a rule; higher spell tiers will be more complex or powerful, require more focus and mana, and will be progressively have a higher chance for flaws. Certain spells will also be more prone to flaws under certain situations as well which will be detailed as needed. Spell Points System For the purposes of Hypnotic Illusion a “Spell Points” system is implemented. This is to better gauge one’s own limits in casting, as well as having a general idea of how intensive any given illusion or combination of illusions can be as it is possible – and common – for an Illusionist to cast multiple illusions and illusion spells along side each other. It is meant first and foremost as a guideline, but should still be followed regardless to avoid possibly power-gaming. It’s meant to be used by the users of Illusion as well as those who are going up against Illusion. With this said, there are some key points to keep in mind as the details of this system are read. -Spell point values and just about everything in this system has “wiggle” room and is open to interpretation, but generally should not deviate too far. -An Illusionist shouldn’t need to reference this every time they want to cast a spell, but only if they are unsure of whether what they’re doing may be considered power-gaming or performing past the limits of the magic. -Casting at or beyond your character’s limit does not mean the spells completely fail. However, the closer you are to meeting or exceeding your limit; the more you flawed your illusions will become, with more frequency as well as increasing the likely-hood of completely failing. -Spell Points System does not supersede the limits of whatever tier you are at. -Spell Points are not an expendable resource like mana, they are a measuring tool. -Use common sense. A “Spell Point” is just the first and simplest name that closest matches the overall function of what it is. It is a simplification of two main factors. Mana thread strength Ability to focus. Essentially, mana thread strength and the requirement of focus for whatever you are doing scale linearly with each other. However, if your ability to focus is compromised it doesn’t matter how strong your mana threads are. Illusions will become flawed or weakened while focus is strained, and like any magic will completely fail if focus is lost. At the beginning of Tier 1 the student has a maximum of 1 Spell Point “slot”, and with each week of dedicated training in Illusion that passes the student gains 1 more spell point slot to a basic maximum of 25 after 24 weeks or 6 months. This means that it’s technically possible to reach Tier 5 in the shortest amount of time possible (19 weeks) and still not have 25 spell point slots. The below serves largely as a guideline. An illusionist should only need to have a general idea of what this is and doesn’t need to refer to it each and every time they want to cast something. It’s necessary due to the “multi-casting” abilities of Illusion. Essentially you can take any illusion and break it down into these general guidelines to know if you can cast that level of illusion, how many emotes it should take, and how many of that type of illusion you can cast. IE: You can classify something that takes 7-10 points as a “High tier” spell, and have an idea of how many you can cast at the same time. Also note that it’s a work in progress, and there is a lot of contextual stuff missing such as guidelines for each tier of illusionist and their limits. That will be added soon. Spell List Illusory Disguise - Combat/Free-form/Glamour Learning Illusion/Tier Progression Illusion has 5 “Tiers” as milestones to learning. To learn Illusion you must have a valid and accepted Magic Application for Illusion and be taught by someone who holds a valid and accepted Teaching Application and cannot be self taught. Through each tier a student must learn to create and progressively strengthen mana threads, learn each of the Illusion spell types and progressively master them, hone their minds to be able to maintain high levels of focus on multiple things at once, study the fundamentals of Illusion, and would do well to learn the properties of psychology and perception as they pertain to Illusion to make the best use of the magic as they grow more capable over time. Spell Point Slots will increase by one(1) slot with every week of dedicated practice and training in this magic to a basic maximum of 25 slots after 24 weeks or six months. Refer to the Spell Point System for more information regarding anything related to this. Tier Guidelines
  18. Soooo...we have no lore for Arcas under map lore? Lol. Says Athera and Axios. I wanna know what areas are known to be colder, warmer, etc. And i’m not talking about the obvious snowy and desert areas and **** lol. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Demotheus


      Hot take. Idc Bout event lore for the map I cRe about climate lore xD


      I just. 


      Is a place like sutica hot? Cold? Temperate? Like North America where it's super hot and super cold? Because we don't have plugin support to make it snow during the in game winter months so we never know for sure. 

    3. drfate786


      ..Literally look at the biome and assume. Jungles are hot and humid, Sutica is a coastal city next to a hot and humid swamp and the southern sea which would be hot and humid. Places like the barrows where the spooky dead trees and soil is north of Welves would be regular temp and humid, etc.

    4. Demotheus


      Do we know any places specifically that are affected by season changes in a Significant way such as northern USA or southern Canada? Ie: summer can easily be 25-30C and sometimes stretch to 40 or more celcius but then swings down to those same numbers but below freezing during the winter? 

      Better way to phrase this as it's more relevant to the lore. What places dont have Minecraft blocks for snow but would definitely get anywhere from a light dusting of or completely buried in snow during the winter. 


      Certain creatures and races would want to keep such in mind. It's implied we have seasons just based on the /date and month naming system. But what places are most and least affected. 


      If I were a frost witch where would be great places to... Chill...during winter yet almost as bad as the desert during summer. 

  19. Keep the alcohol redline. Don't listen to this guy he plays an arcane wizard kha I'm pretty sure that's a kha sin or something.
  20. I don’t see anything regarding this specifically as a red line but are we meant to assume that they still carry the Elven curse of infertility? It should probably be explicitly written in the red lines if that’s the case.
  21. Ah but weren't their life expectancies always the same as or slightly longer than humans?
  22. Wasn't it humans with cats? Not elves?
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