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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Demotheus

  1. Don’t worry, fren. These one’s don’t have junk so they aren’t very good degenerate furry bait. I +1’d this lore literally just for that reason. lolol.
  2. Fuckin low effort responses to roleplay threads that have no reason to be responded to in roleplay cause they're just narratives of a thing that happened with no indication it was written anywhere or spoken about or meant to have any sort of rp response at all really make me tingle. 

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. FreeHongKong


      End smug posting ra ra ra

    3. jdesarno


      Ya’ll are literally acting children on a playground. People leave Lotc for a reason, ya’ll are sayin toxicity is only mutual between people, it aint. It’s unhealthy, it’s driving people away, it’s ugly. 

    4. Demotheus


      @frill you're not wrong. 

  3. We all know who’s really writing this lore. We’re onto you! edit: Fixed stupid link. >=O Also Edit: Was able to actually read the lore now and it looks great. +1.
  4. Khurmt... Khurmt... Something familiar about this name... Hmm... Oh... Oh God.... Oh God no... Not him! ******* God damn mother sitting KHUTMIT THE FROG!!!
  5. Wow that was a fun event too bad i missed the very end of it ?

  6. With regards to Illusion; illusion operates on the subconscious and affects the mental processes involved with perception. Having a messed up soul and/or mind may be a perfectly reasonable explanation for an inability to form one’s own connection to the void however that doesn’t really prevent anyone else from connecting to them. Sensory Illusion works on anything that has the ability to perceive the world around them, and to a limited extent to perceive their own self. As far as I know as well there’s no preestablished reason or occurance of a creature being immune to such magics for a reason similar to the one you’ve given. So, if we move onto the nature of meddling with a mind that is...let’s say different or more chaotic than your average mind, then sensory illusion is free from those problems since they don’t require the illusionist put their own mind within the mind of others to work and thus don’t have to deal with that. Mental magic users however have to be inside the mind that they’re meddling with and so that might be a different story.
  7. Alright hold up. As the guy rewriting illusion right now, and as someone who’s played primarily an illusionist for the better part of 7 years at this point as well as just some dude who wants some answers: Why does illusion and mental magics and those others not work on a night troll? What reason causes this to be? They have functioning minds, at least on par with an animal and from what’s described are nearly as intelligent as descendant races. You might bring up the “magic deadzone” bit, however that doesn’t explain why they are immune to those magics while the rest they are not. Also, just in general, making anything passively immune to anything else, especially when it comes to magic and creatures and such, is bad and no fun to play with at all. Furthermore, everything like that definitely NEEDS to have a good reason and explanation.
  8. @forum moderators who removed my reply to that post about the question about the mines? Am I getting a warning for that or is it just a “**** outta here with that shitpost” post removal sort of deal? Just wanna know what’s up, thanks.

    1. mitto


      there’s no point for that dude it was just a case of potentially misinforming an impressionable new player, no harm done

  9. @ZythusRequiem Yo my dude I hope you don’t mind if I borrow a LOT from your splendid formatting for use with my rewrite of Illusion. 


    Like, if you do mind, let me know. I doubt it though, since you wanna be an LT I’m assuming you’re trying in part to set an example of that sort of thing. 

    1. ZythusRequiem


      That’s fine ? 

  10. Ain't no sass sir. It wasn't related to arcanism. You were talking about what you wanted for magic tires as a whole and had gone on a tangent.
  11. You just gave me the answer to a problem with illusion I'd been struggling with. Nice. This isn't a general magic system thread.
  12. OKAY HERE IS MY REQUEST, SIR! Character Name: Lotha Scylla, often referred to as “Lotha the Imp” or “impish” Link to Skin Reference: https://namemc.com/profile/Demotheus.1 The color palette for that is more or less accurate. Alright now some details... Race: She is a dark elf and mountain dwarf mix. Hair: Fiery ginger hair that reaches as far down as her lower back and is just a little bit wavy. Eyes: Crimson Irises which (this is optional) when channeling magic glow crimson and also glows a sort of shiny bubble gum pink colour around the edge of her irises. Ears: Big, stupid, pretty floppy, kind of tattered. It gives her a very impish look. They’re also drapped in various piercings, preferring pretty gemstones over things like studs and metal. Have fun with those possibilities haha. Face: She looks quite young, and almost childish. She has a small, cute nose with sharpish angles making it closer to a triangular prism in shape than other noses, but isn’t so sharp as to be referred to as pointy. Her lips are in the middle as far as fullness is concerned, not thin, not botoxed, pretty average. Her face has only a little softness to it, enough that she doesn’t have particularly sharp cheekbones or anything, but not nearly enough to give her a baby face look. She wears a fairly mischievous expression most of the time and is prone to grinning. Her teeth, from some psychotic break centuries ago, are filed down such that they are pointed and sharp looking. Think frost witch wannabe phase or something like that. Neckline/bust: She doesn’t have much of a bust. Her robes are thick traveling robes of high quality make. All over her body excluding her face, upper neck, hands, and feet, she is covered with tribal style tattoos which glow gently with a blue-green color. Some of these are visible as they reach up over her collarbones and sort of wind around her neck and shoulders. So, when I made this character like 6 years ago or so I was a big, big, big fan of Midna (specifically her cursed form) and drew heavily from that when I was creating this character’s aesthetic. I amplified a lot of the things I enjoyed a lot about her, so you can reference fan art of “Imp Midna” for a little extra help – especially with regards to the tattoos, the hair, the expressions, and the ears. But she’s not a complete carbon copy of Imp Midna...because if she were she’d uh...well, have fur and ****. Anyway, my discord is Detrimental#7014 so if you decide you want to do this one you can send any questions you have my way as well as the rough preview sketch through there as well.
  13. Right on. I'm at work right now for the next six hours lol but I work overnights at a condo so hopefully soon I'll hit you with a request.
  14. Yeah my guy that's exactly what I'm talking about! I might make a request tonight then. How much longer from now will you be up?
  15. I once did an art commission thing a long time ago with some artist and the way she did it was she laid out her prices and stuff but before she made me pay she did some rough sketches (no color) and sent me LOW QUALITY/RESOLUTION versions to basically make sure she was on the right track for what I wanted and once I confirmed with her that it was good she had me pay her and then she finished it. Would you consider doing the same?
  16. Can anybody tell me what areas/cities/towns are relatively active between like midnight and 6 in the morning Easter Standard Time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demotheus


      LOL! Are half dark elf half mountain dwarf people allowed there!? lol two times.

    3. Ankan


      1 hour ago, Demotheus said:

      LOL! Are half dark elf half mountain dwarf people allowed there!? lol two times.



    4. Arcean
  17. It depends on how you define fully taught but generally I think it's like four months to get to t4 and for most magics that means you know everything and just need to get better at it.
  18. Not really. I'd be recruiting people with the expectation that it'll pass so I'd be prepared.
  19. Bishe, I would LOVE to. Used to be hounding for this on my characters years ago. I'll send a pm later with details. Nice. Wicked sick. Though after skimming through the lore there are some parts I'll definitely be saucing feedback on. A lot of the abilities don't seem to be formatted correctly, for example, and are also quite vague in what they do. Aurora as a big culprit!
  20. I thought there was something like this that you could put into flesh? Like, way before bloodmagic was a thing.
  21. Does copyright even matter when we've sold tythus our souls already?
  22. Thinking of making Sensory Illusion a multislot magic. ~juststressedoutlorefixerthings

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Demotheus


      8 hours ago, Llir said:

      given it’s lack of damaging spells, i don’t think that would be needed.

      Lack of damaging spells don't matter when you can mimick magic or literally anything so long as it doesnt defy belief and incapacitate your goes without even being detected until the end. 


      Psychological damage is a thing. By that I mean, damage that the mind believes is real until proven otherwise. 

    3. ZythusRequiem


      I think maybe 2 slots would be good? 3 kinda might seem a bit much. 20 or so spells in this regard would be good due to the psychological aspect of it, and the amount of things one may be able to do with it.

    4. Llir


      On paper that might make sense, but with rampant metagaming and powergaming that illusionists have to deal with, the magic isn’t as effective as it should be.

  23. First, to people heaving their nuts over this, the lore won't be approved without consulting the existing playerbase for the lore anyway. Source somewhere in discord and also on some lore criteria thread or other. Second, I don't think that 10 abilities thing is any kind of hard limit.
  24. It doesn't? I interpreted that as magical blindness or darkness. Huh.
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