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Everything posted by Anawkin

  1. please leave the nicest comments you can below

    1. ๐™ป๐šž๐šŸ XO
    2. Petals4013


      you're almost as hot as my mum

  2. 2/10 heard the name, but never seen you on forums or ig
  3. 4/10 keeps making bad uncle innuendos
  4. 3/10 i know u only because of peter
  5. Anawkin


  6. Yes please, also Phil's secret is cooltext.com, Fantasy font with a slight edit to color.
  7. Hey guys, it's me, MrIrishBoys checking in!

  8. What is love..

    1. justDEWit


      the stuff that your mom gives me HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHA


      No, I'm sorry.

    2. Matheus


      and the thing ur mom doesnt give you

  9. Anawkin

    haha ur not awake pleb

  10. Free Rael, Thanks.

  11. USA day is just around the corner. Out with the Canucks.

    1. osumanduas


      I'll give yah the ******* right left bud.

  12. .

    1. Anawkin


      @Telanirย You can't justify such a poor disregard for the community's opinion with "Oh let's just scrape the bottom of the barrel and see how it goes lmao". It's happened multiple times, and I'm not calling you out personally but the staff seem to forget that without the average joes here, they're nothing.

  13. funny how you try and silence us when we voice complaints against staff decision, really shows the the level of maturity here. It's obvious Wiseacre's trial was a case of nepotism, go ahead and delete this one too.

    1. Jonificus



  14. [*] Lighting a candle for lotc

  15. Free Kincaid!!!!

  16. never forgetti moms spagetti

  17. free kincaid calabreeni

  18. "I suppose dead will do.." A gruff man remarks, etching a perimeter upon an old map of Vandoria.
  19. Anawkin


    1. ShameJax


      please come up with an original meme

    2. Anawkin


      ur just one big meme u goat shagger

    3. ShameJax
  20. Anawkin

    I am u but stronger.

    1. Trinn


      There is only one Trinn.

      One Trinn to rule them all

      One Trinn to find them

      One Trinn to bring them all

      and in the darkness eatย bind them

  21. God-Given (OOC) Information: Skype: Guck has it. MC Name: TacoPowerRanger Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Yea. Chosen (RP) Information: Name: Edmund II Stafyr Are you Elf or Man or Neither (E/M/N): Man Age: 24 Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Good with a great sword, and the likes. Do you possess a steed (Y/N): Nay.
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