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About Narthok

  • Birthday 07/24/1997

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  1. I feel really bad for new players that never got to experience LOTC as it was / used to be. Before the server descended into HR / Bureaucrat speak.

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    2. Narthok


      you mean the war rules that no longer exist after we have a single war despite no war for 18 months, or the still non-existent coup rules? Or is it the activity checks that chain you to your home settlement? Or maybe the fact that you can't do anything antagonistic without the permission of PROs. Or the fact that 2 idiots sitting on a road in a raid cd tile constitutes a raid.

    3. Nectorist


      Big issue is that (and this has been a problem for years) rules, systems, etc, usually aren't in place for long enough for players to adapt to using them and for nations to be able to develop a coherent narrative that changes the RP setting. War rules will last for a couple of wars at best before being rewritten, conflict rules undergo constant rewrites too, the economy has had more time to stabilize but was poorly-designed for the map, etc. I get wanting to perfect systems and improve on broken ones, but staff frequently capitulate to (again, this isn't nothing new) reactionary outbursts in response to a certain system/ruleset, then immediately pull it, instead of seeing how it develops over the course of a few months before making changes.


      I don't have a big issue with the current war rules beyond them needing tweaks tbh, I really think that an overhaul in the economy would make them pretty solid. However, with war rules being changed again we might as well ride out this stagnancy while it last.

    4. Narthok


      people keep adding more rules when they need fewer / less rules. This cancerous rule lawyer / litigation culture that has emerged over every raid / every mugging / every single warclaim etc shouldn't be acceptable.


      It seems like people just want the status quo instead of the dynamism that used to be emblematic of what made LOTC so attractive. MC as an RP platform is only good because of its almost limitless possibilities. Why do we hobble that with endless byzantine rules that always inevitably lead to arguments over the definitions of specific words. 


      LOTC should never have started regulating CBs at all yet now its a perennial inclusion in all war system rewrites. Why are we applying idiot eu4 rulesets to a fantasy minecraft server. Let people decide if their characters would go to war or not on their own. 


      Turning the sandbox into themepark

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