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Status Updates posted by Narthok

  1. 60th has agree to admit he was wrong about the interception if the warclaim lags. 

    Will be collecting my admin scalp on sunday.

    1. Javert


      Make sure you screenshot that DM so he can't go back on it

    2. argonian


      the interception?

  2. A few more blogposts organized in discord then maybe you guys can get around to pulling the trigger on this empire thing instead of edging yourselves about it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Publius


      Don't be scared homie!

    3. Narthok


      @Publius whose scared, i've been saying do an Empire for months.

    4. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      A few more blogposts organized in discord then maybe you orcs can get around to pulling the trigger on this roleplay thing instead of edging yourselves about it

  3. Absolute cancer, passivity is aids.

  4. after six weeks of absolute cuckery we can finally have a warclaim. 

    1. argonian


      i keep telling ppl that ur allowed to push multiple wargoals at once but they never do it

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      @argonianprobably because mercs switch sides a ton and you never know if you're gonna end up paying for more than what you can actually take

  5. All these new applications, jesus christ

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Narthok


      Magic is good, lotc magic is bad. Feels far too scientific and lacks an mysticism 

    3. Gorum©


      honestly I can't say I've had a single good experience with magic users on LoTC in recent years, it always just becomes one guy tossing 4-5 other people around with their magical tentacles. That and Dwarven rune smithing which is also apparently a free ticket to powergame.

    4. drfate786


      Agreed, magic on LoTC is stupidly OP right now since people do nothing to actually emote their magic properly.

  6. almost 6 weeks between haverlock and the next warclaim. not sure why!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UnbanCharlesTheBald2022


      No @rukio, I don't have "no hoes" or "two bros". I have a female friend, it's just that she lives in another town and doesn't have Facebook or Instagram nor Snapchat.

    3. Narthok


      @rukio @Fietired of your homophobia will be taking this issue to the staff team 😠

    4. argonian


      welcome to bizarro-lotc

  7. Also read the Kaktuz Weekli its the orcish paper of record

  8. antagonist gang

    1. rukio



      wrong edit oops

       there we go

  9. Anyone doing art commissions rn? I need something made.

  10. Anyone on here a good midlaner? Plat+ need one for a league tournament

  11. Anyone streaming wc?

  12. Anyone want to join our Cards against humanity game?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heff


      you are a card against the human empire..

    3. drfate786


      Thanks, I appreciate that comment. 

    4. Narthok


      Think that was directed towards me fate

  13. Are redstone pillars being taken away?

  14. Are the staff ever going to clear inactive nation sub forums like the Dreadlands and Vandoria?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Haria isn't inactive yet, there is a guild present which sustains activity in a certain district. But thanks for your concern, I'll drop a note about the dreadland sub forum and whatnot.

    2. Narthok


      Vandoria =/= Haria



    3. GodEmperorFlam


      That's weird, the Vandoria one/Sultanate of Khalestine shouldn't be there now that there's the Sultanate of Haria. Thanks for pointing that out, like I said I'll be dropping a note to the people who can actively edit the forums.

  15. As a new player I really like the large portion of the wiki dedicated to professions. 

    1. TJBMinecraft


      We are working on it

  16. Ayo anonymous snark forum alts wyd rn

  17. Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  18. ban magnet king

  19. Ban tank he's spamming the forums

    1. _pr0fit


      And he lost the Krag

    2. TankM1A2


      Don't touch me.

  20. Blast from the past Nortruppen recruiting thread. Truly the golden days of noob wrangling. So washed....



  21. Bring back the Aengoth **** posting

  22. bring clubs back 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. argonian


      i miss being in the right wing death squad


      lotc used to be a safe space for me to be a horrible and anachronistic human being 


      but now here were are in 2021 and i have to watch my speech here more than i do irl. hate it!

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth


      shut up you fkin n'wah.

    4. Narthok
  23. Bureaucracy and Legislation get my rocks off 

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