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Everything posted by Malaise

  1. Why is the server such a d***? ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malaise


      No my feels aaaa

    3. Desires


      plz mat clam duwn

    4. dank


      the server believes we have sinned, brethren and sisters, we must bathe in the holy waters of the skygods and repent! repent I say!

  2. Certainly. As Piercing is, I am also available should you require more help/clarification. PM me, (mthdominator) in game, if I am on. If not, hit me up on the forums.
  3. The void is certainly required to partake in the use of telekinetic magic! Imagine the void as a window, (Thanks, BladeCreep, for the fun magic lessons.) Said window lets you peer through the world, and see what you're going to be lifting. Let the mind choose it's object, and let the void lift it.
  4. Anybody able to shade skins really well, (And fast, too?)

  5. Any quick and talented skinners out there?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galendar


      i could have a hand at something for a price

    3. Vekrus
    4. 0000


      I'm fairly talented at skinning pigs, nearly all the meat is off cleanly the first ti-- oh nevermind.

  6. Can anybody here skillfully shade a skin?

  7. Anybody here skilled at shading skins?

    1. Princess Wizard Laura

      Princess Wizard Laura

      I can shade skins, yeah.

  8. I'm getting really sick of this shiznit.

  9. Server comes up, bad login. "I AM IN NO MOOD FOR YOUR SH**, SERVER. KNEEL TO ME."

    1. Shadeleaf


      Ask it nicely and spam the log in button.

  10. A sealed envelope is returned to the applicant, tightly shut with string. If unwound and opened, a pristine letter would be revealed, stamped with the waxen seal of the Order. "To applicant Rireni, The Order can find you a role that suits your skills, should you seek to accept them. Your willingness to serve the Creator and his blessed is appreciated. Expect to be met by one of our Knight-Brothers or myself some time soon. Deus Magnus. -Vindicator Matthew Dunham."
  11. I feel that The North should be opened when scheduled, albeit the event sounds very fun.
  12. The applicant would receive a letter. Taranis Rovyk. Your desire to serve the Creator is respected, and your knowledge upon chemicals, something foreign to myself, intrigues me. We shall discover ways that it may serve the Church, and the brothers of the Order. You are accepted as a Neophyte, and shall be contacted shortly. Deus Magnus. The letter is unsigned, as per usual. The seal of the Order rests below.
  13. Stacks of paper litters Kaldo's desk as he paces about the room in boredom. Finally submitting to the will of the dark lord 'Work', he sits down, reviewing the new applications. With a quick nod, he signs them all off, returning them to the applicants via courier. "All three applicants are to be accepted."
  14. -OOC- MC Name: mthdominator Timezone: EST Skype: rivervalelord Do you use TS?: When asked/requested. Evils: 2abc. Easily capable of adding/subtracting evils, if need be. __________________ -IC- Name: Matthew Dunham, of the noble line Dunham, defender of the Bristiric people. Age: Twenty two. Race: I am of the Creators blessed Humanity. Fighting skills: One is chivalrous in many ways, and capable of wielding steel in varying forms; ranging from respectable sword play, to work with poleaxes and lances of numerous degree. Non-Fighting skills: Smithing, has been a task of my own since my birth. When not tending to steel, other forms of artisan crafts take my time. Does the applicant swear loyalty to Lord Griffon, and his Imperial Divinity?: Certainly. Does the applicant believe in the Creator?: Undying faith has been given to the Creator and his holy men. Deus Magnus. Moral boundaries: I shall do anything in the name of the Creator, with little question. By the law of my kin, I shan't harm any innocent women, child, or man of the faith. Reason: To serve the Creator and the people of Humanity and the blessed kin of other races in a way greater than just faith.
  15. ((Especially an LoTCer's work. (Draeren) ))
  16. MC Name: mthdominator RP Name: Kaldo Kor'inthsil Raven'kor Skype Name: rivervalelord (I believe you have me as a buddy.) Evils: Accepte for 1abc, 2abc. Why?: "Justice. Something easily twisted in the mind of the vindicator. Ethics demand justice be merciful, and kind hearted, yet; Cruelty works best, this one has learned. This one demands to be unhindered by the laws of men and mali, the morals of the self righteous. This one believes this calling to be his answer. To state my answer in the simplest terms I can provide: Immunity from morals is desired. Power can lead to this. Obviously- I am intreagued."
  17. [[MC Name]]: mthdominator [[Time zone]]: EST [[skype]]: rivervalelord _______________________________________________ What shall I call you? "Katarina works. Or Kat, Kitty, and Katherine.~" What can you do? "Well... Theft, seduction, corruption!~ Bring fun, throw a party, pick a pocket? What is asked, really. [[Any and all VAs.]] Katarina is accepted for theft, and corruption. More VA's to come, I can assure you. Heard of the Hatters? I have, mister.~ Why do you wish to join me? For the giggles.~ Oh, and, money is nice too. ________________________________________________
  18. Quite nice. I support this, and would like to see it in game! +1
  19. These adds. ;-;

    1. Heff


      Quite odd some of dem.

  20. MC Name: mthdominator Character name: Matthew "Rivendare" Does this character have a VA?: He does. 2a, 2b, 2c. (These will be updated if accepted!) I want my character to be turned into a Dread Knight: Certainly. I want to become a part of your group because: I've always loved the Dk's, but never had a chance, as I would arrive to apply FAR too late! Not this time! Fun RP, of course. What can I bring to this group?: High quality, fair RP, as I provide all groups I play with. As for the final question: Most certainly. I tend to place myself in the losing positions to do so, and explain everything others may not understand. Confusion ruins RP, and so I try to remove it! (Sorry. I read the questions, but didn't bother copying it entirely!) USA, EST.
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