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Everything posted by Malaise

  1. Character name: Nadal MC Name: mthdominator Timezone: EST Playing Times: 4-12 PM weekdays, any time weekends.
  2. this is why we need -1s again.................
  3. Anybody willing to try a skin request?

  4. Anybody good at re-coloring skins? PM me.

  5. I'd like an FM, please!

  6. gr8, crafting broken and people are starving lmfao

  7. gr8, crafting broken and people are starving lmfao

  8. time efficiency is an alien prospect to this server

  9. I'm fairly certain that if this rumor of another postponement is true, most of playerbase will be quite livid.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raptorious


      the postponement is true though, viper said it

    3. DrakeHaze.


      Rhia changed all the grass blocks into anvils in a WE mishap, 4.0 will be out in August while I try and craft sharpness 5 swords for skygods.

    4. Ivran


      I don't know which one you're talking about, but it's said to be released near the end of the month.

  10. A veteran of the Sentinel/Delver wars vomits violently.
  11. ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ

  12. rip in pieces eddyvilson_lotc, lisa anne will always be remember....

  13. If anybody can shade a skin for me real quick, I'm willing to pay. Send me a PM.

  14. I someone capable of shading skins (specifically armor,) quickly. Expect a reward.

    1. Malaise


      I need someone*

    2. Lanader - Richard Tarus
    3. _SteelMemes_


      Shade your own shades you dirty shade.

  15. Anybody good at shading armor? Send me a PM if so. (Could possibly be rewarded)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gingernut97


      Novaskin has a pretty good shading tool (I'm so helpful, I know)

    3. Raptorious


      No it doesnt, it has a noiser.

    4. gingernut97
  16. Very well. If an FM could move this, I no longer wish to pursue this change.
  17. No where in the lore does it say Soul Puppetry uses life force. He refers to necromancy, as that does require a Necromancer to share his own so a pupil does not die. Soup Puppetry offers no such danger.
  18. Some may agree, though I feel this point is highly opinionated. Many of my comrades see this as necessary!
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