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Status Updates posted by Seliyne

  1. How does the forum style break more with every update?

    1. Sporadic


      It was easy at first but after a while we had to get pretty creative.

    2. Seliyne


      this word wrap is worse than my average LaTeX paper

      its not awful though just yet more ~mobile minimalism~ we dont need

  2. Anyone have a parrot yet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seliyne


      Do you have a grey/white one?

    3. Nummy


      I dont think :(

    4. Seliyne


      You should try thinking it helps a lot with life.

      (Thanks anyways)

  3. Extremely early progress of the RoleplaySigns plugin @Man of respect




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Seliyne


      I don't have integration with LOTC's chat at the moment. The plugin will be configured to just return the chat originally entered as-is, meaning it will show italics, bold etc.

    3. J


      Tarian for Dev lead

    4. Seliyne


      I barely know Java, so thats a really bad idea.

      If Minecraft ran on python, however...

  4. Intercession magic's lore submission is now over a month old. Is there a reason it's being stonewalled?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      It's just a conspiracy by administration. 

    3. Anderssn


      It's not canon

    4. Mithradites


      Benbo answered this question a short while ago. The lore team's been kind of dysfunctional during the holidays, but now they're getting back to it. It's not so much stonewalling, more disorganised staff. Depending on how long it takes for all the LMs to give their opinions on the lore itself, it may be a while. I trust in Benbo, though. He seems sincere.

  5. My anvil just flew away :( this bug is becoming rather common.

    1. Seliyne


      Indeed. I broke it and it escaped its' earthly bonds.

    2. Seliyne


      I broke the anvil with an iron pickaxe. The item then literally flew off through a wall. Happens a lot in the mineworld with masonry benches and anvils.

  6. I love it when private channels are so bad and unreliable that you have to drag muddy boots through public ones instead! Muddy shoeprints everywhere! Really bad to look at. If I was president I would ban muddy boots! Or maybe just fix the private channels. But that's way too much effort! Maybe we should just have the people wearing muddy boots shot. They're probably commies anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Telanir


      letting him know asap

    3. Harri


      now this is just, this is just, wow, this is just, wow, this is just

  7. Thank you techs for fixing mining.

  8. I'm somewhat disappointed that brewing your soulstone does nothing in alchemy.

  9. For a moment there, mining actually worked.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Medvekoma


      It works perfectly well, revealing all ores as it should be without right clicking ...


      ... as long as you place a torch every other block.

    3. Seliyne


      It seems to reveal them properly sometimes without needing rightclicks.

    4. Medvekoma


      I'd like to believe they'll fix it soon. I hope they will.

  10. St Adrians ball at 11pm GMT tomorrow night!

  11. The Emperor of Oren is now in court if anyone wishes to come and watch or ask questions and such.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Seliyne


      Court's now over!

    3. AGiantPie


      Short ass court..

    4. Seliyne


      Not many people turned up, probably all drunk and/or logged off after the games.

  12. Finalhazard stole my alchemy stand! This is proffesiophobia!

  13. What did he mean by this?

  14. If you were to somehow have a goblin dark elf crossbreed, would they have black or green skin..? Why do dark elves even have dark skin? It makes no sense from a science standpoint (although I do find black/grey skin very cool).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Seliyne


      Well, I mean, you're right, but those things are explained, dark elves' skin isnt (besides following fantasy tropes).

    3. Greener


      I know what skin colour it would be! A nice grey ash due to killing the horrible offspring with fire. 

    4. HedgeHug



  15. And so the world does grind to a stop,

    As the workers pause with faces full fraught,

    They put down their tools, hands to sides drop, 

    And they shout to the heavens "Why is all for naught?"

    1. Chaw



  16. friendos how do I get 3x3 crafting for dying banners

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Seliyne


      Just makes the banners vanish :(

    3. Seliyne


      Right clicking works though. Shift-clicking makes them vanish. Thanks all!

    4. GodEmperorFlam
  17. how do you get the vip item pack thingies

    1. Seliyne


      holy **** that was fast thanks guys

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