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Status Updates posted by ARCHITECUS

  1. pro adrian posters: well adjusted, fair rpers, respectable profiles

    anti adrian posters: seething, ego trip rp, poorly drawn art showing how cool their character is

  2. protip: fill walls with obsidian for ultimate teutonic impregnability

  3. PWR BTTM is unpleasantly raw punky muzak too lukewarm to even land in a proper blurring of genre; they rely on a gimmick which is gay culture which is recursively offensive. 0/10

    1. Space


      I think calling their sexual identity a gimmick is fairly offensive-- Can people not express themselves how they want without being called hacks for using a gimmick to get popularity?


      And yeah, I don't think their music is anything to write home about, even though I enjoy it. But, much like modern art, context serves a purpose for this art form; as in, what's punker than 2 dudes dressing up and embracing their sexuality in a way that most would probably see as extreme? In my opinion, not much, and that contributes to my enjoyment of them.


      a solid 7/10



      sorry, kid, but you're wrongo

  4. r e m o v e  t h e  c o o l d o w n s

  5. shouldve gotten a better builder @UnBaed


    1. UnBaed
    2. mitto


      the image isnt loading 

  6. so when are we getting canon magic/miracles please oh master jistuma please have some mercy on us worthless huemans

    1. Guest



  7. sobered up woke up at 4:20 am pensive face

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      high off hic juice boxes I can drink 3 in 20 ?

  8. speedrunning lotc in 1.5 A presses #wow #woah

    1. mitto


      it looks like alty is taling advantage of pretending to be a female, using his start skill bonus to oral persuasian to skip 3 staff teams. this is quite a skill display ladies and gentlemen

    2. Harri


      >alty passing as a female

      have you seen him?

    3. mitto


      he's cute. shut up.

  9. Spooky CMUNION EU4 game begins this evening... (American time)

    1. Fishy


      oh **** are we actually playing

    2. garentoft
  10. Thanks, Jahrmann.

  11. that’s actually pretty funny that Zar’kiel are just a horribly amped up version of superior form Azdrazi (which LT moaned was too OP so it got removed)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      It’s ok Alty.

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      why would this matter, i don’t even roleplay



      if you pvp them a gm will /kill you to represent their epic power

  12. this can



      FIX ******* APOSTROPHES HOLY ****

  13. troll face

    1. Harri


      my favourite meme is the the funny smiling man

  14. trolololololol

  15. Vortex looks like a PoS. Seems devs lied about everything we asked in the discord. Btw im wondering how enforcing copper tools doesnt make us a pre-bronze age rp server

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      hope no one minds my prediluvian atlantis spacefaring civ rp

    3. argonian


      w conduits and **** you could have postdiluvian atlantis rp too if u want

    4. argonian


      just no guns tho

  16. waiting in a certain river heights smithtown residence


    1. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      The Master is away at this time.

  17. we are legion xd

  18. What is the magnitude of fecklessness it takes to delete a man's status?

  19. what what's this did you just find out about twilight princess or something weeb

    1. Harri


      no, i saw a cool gif of midna (whos one of my fav characters across 'games' for certain 'reasons') and i always do profile themes so i paired it all up the real question is why are you giving a **** about a lowly japanese lover

  20. when are we getting limited creative back, having to jump through hoops for basic building blocks is absurd

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. rukio


      We have like two coders, I've already touched on this in past threads. We'll get LC eventually, it just takes a while because there's a lot of other things that need maintenance and, well, our Devs sometimes have lives. Its not like Axios etc when we had what, 5-6? coders. 

      Edited by rukio
    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Honestly a lot of LOTC's problems come down to not having enough coding effort (Although if they wanted to bring pits back as a temporary bandaid for block scarcity I think mods could do that maybe?)

      I'd be fine with a big donation drive to hire a coder for the server or something, or give the coders a slight monetary remuneration so that more people want to code for the server, =

    4. Shorsand


      i miss anthos

  21. When selecting a roleplay spouse on the Lord of the Craft premium Minecraft server, Nexus skill synergy is a necessity.

    1. Publius


      a couple that doesn't grind often usually fails to stay together longer than a few months [!]

    2. chaotikal


      how do i level up my genital size skill

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